Sunday 30 October 2022



Do you ever look at the world and get discouraged? Does it seem at times like the adversary is winning? Just one serious study of the Book of Ezekiel can make you see that this can never be so. Ezekiel’s detailed prophecies of destruction which befell the nations of ancient Near East gives us a clear picture that Satan does not stand a chance against Christ’s power.  It seemed for a long time that the adversary was winning there too as the Canaanite nations afflicted Israel and led her into idolatry but when Israel fell into captivity, Jehovah revealed His mighty arm in vengeance by destroying these nations and empires of Egypt, Assyria, Tyre, Sidon, Damascus, Persia and Idumea. The Lord calls them ‘the mighty that are fallen….which are gone down to hell’ (Ezekiel 32:27). Egypt, which was the power to be reckoned with was probably the greatest tragedy. Ezekiel devoted four chapters (29-32) to the description of Egypt’s beauty, prophetic destruction and lamentation. Much like Tyre, Egypt’s splendour was destroyed because it sought to exalt itself to the status of God (Ezekiel 29:9; 31:10). 


After pronouncing judgment on these ancient nations and affirming that the destruction will be His doing (71 times no less),  Jehovah testified: “I have caused my terror in the land of the living” (Ezekiel 32:32). Why such terror and such terrible destruction? Because these nations were built up on excessive pride and what is built on pride cannot stand. Pride is the foundation of a kingdom that cannot last, the origin of which we know well. It cannot last because there is only one true and living God and we all know who HE is. 


And so it is with our world. The day is coming when the Saviour will come to reveal the arm of His power and crush the enemy of all righteousness. He who has said: “I will exalt my throne above the stars of God….I will be like the most High (Isaiah 14:12-15), has never received a body, and though the king and ruler of world-wide empire of spiritual Babylon, he shall never have a tomb or monument to his name and the kings of the earth will exclaim in amazement when they see him cast down to hell: “Is this the man that made the earth tremble, that did shake the kingdoms?” (v 16).  Stripped of his power and his pride, he will not stand…..


Where is the sting of death,

The enemy of righteousness,

And humanity’s foe?

The fire of its power lies in ashes

Quenched at Calvary long ago.


(Art: Second Coming by Dan Wilson)

Friday 28 October 2022



I was mesmerised with the fall of Tyre as I studied Ezekiel this year. This island was anciently located between Carmel in Israel and Beirut in Lebanon. In short, Tyre was a major destination for merchant ships in the eastern Mediterranean. Because of this commerce Tyre amassed obscene wealth and became the crown jewel of the seas (Ezekiel 27:5-9). The Lord compared it to the Garden of Eden….until iniquity was found in her (Ezekiel 28:15).  So great was Tyre that Ezekiel devoted three chapters to lament the fall of its glory (chapters 26,27,28). Chapter 26 states the reason for the fall is Tyre’s rejoicing in the fall of Judah but an even more serious crime becomes evident by chapter 28: “Thus saith the Lord God: Because thine heart is lifted up, and thou has said, I am a God, I sit in the seat of God, in the midst of the seas; yet thou art a man, and not God, though thou set thine heart as the heart of God.” (v2). Sound familiar???


Because Tyre had set its heart as the heart of God (Ezekiel 28:6) Jehovah pronounced: I will destroy thee…I will cast thee to the ground….I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth…and never shalt thou be any more (vs 16-18). Because of its strong fortifications, nobody could conquer Tyre and so the more detailed prophecies of its destruction remained unfulfilled for nearly three hundred years….until 332 B.C. when Alexander the Great swept in and reduced this island to rubble. Today the island of Tyre is nothing more but a small peninsula jutting into the sea where the local fishermen come to spread their nets to dry. 


I look at the world today and I see the pride of Tyre….even those who are not swimming in wealth are lifted up in the pride of their hearts elevating themselves and fortifying the culture of self-importance and self-identity. We are encouraged from all sides to put ourselves first so we can become our own gods and worship the father of me-ism who is Lucifer, son of the morning (Isaiah 14:12);  the author of all sin (Helaman 6:26-31); the source of ultimate pride (Moses 4:1); the thief in the night who comes to steal our spiritual identity, kill our faith in God and destroy our commitment to Christ (John 10:10).


Imagine there was no Atonement and we were heading for certain destruction without any hope of delivery. Imagine we were destined for death and hell without any hope of saving grace. But there IS hope…..He who loves the Father without compare has ensured the penitent will not be swallowed up in the despair of the damned. He has ensured our victory over death and sin. He has saved us and paved the way to our safety. He is the antidote to all the destruction the adversary can bring upon us. He is the light, the truth and the way. To all who want to be saved He says:


I wait for you to come

Into the shadow of my wings;

I have paid the price: come unto Me,

Your God and Your King. 



(Art: The Invitation by Jenedy Paige)

Friday 21 October 2022



A short reflection on the power of Sacrament we will partake this Sunday…. 


Perhaps the most soul wrenching proclamation the Saviour made regarding ancient Israel is this: “…..they have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters” (Jeremiah 2:13). Biologically, we mortals are made up of 60% water. Because of this we cannot sustain life without drinking it. Jehovah, who created us, thus gave us life temporally. But not only temporally, but also eternally. Each Sunday, through the sacramental cup, we are given life eternal through His atoning blood. Thus the water we bring to our lips becomes living water in a cup. This is the power of the Sacrament. As we lay our sins upon the sacramental table this Sunday and covenant to repent, may we reverence Him who bled that we might live….


Thou art the source of all my blessings,

Thou art the source of all my joys,

Thou art the living water

I drink with haste

And savour each and every drop

So careful of tragic waste. 

Feed me God ever more

The love that flows with every cup

Grant me my fill each day

That keeps me living and bears me up. 



(Artist Unknown)

Wednesday 19 October 2022




There is a certain phrase I have noticed in the scriptures where the Lord bears witness of His existence. This phrase is: “AS I LIVE”. It is mostly used in conjunction with His promises to carry out judgment on rebellious Israel, or blessings in time of gathering. To me, the Lord is simply bearing witness of Himself. This phrase can be found in Ezekiel 11 times: 5:11; 14:16; 16:6,48; 17:16,19; 18:3; 20:3; 33:11; 34:8; 35:6.


There is another phrase in Ezekiel that the Saviour uses often that He will affirm His existence to us either through His just punishment or His saving grace and that phrase is: “YE SHALL KNOW THAT I AM THE LORD”. It can be found in Ezekiel 21 times: 6:7,14; 7:4,9; 11:10,12; 12:20; 13:9,14,21,23; 14:8; 15:7; 16:62; 17:21; 24:24,27; 25:5,7; 36:11; 37:6. This phrase is also used in conjunction with His promise to carry out His judgment upon the inhabitants of the earth where He proclaims: “and they shall know that I am the Lord” (6:14; 30:19,26; 32:15; 35:4,9,15; 38:23; 39:6) thus flooding the earth with knowledge and proof of His existence. 


I can bear witness to the ‘saving grace’ nature of the second phrase. Some time ago, I took a certain petition to God in prayer and, as is my custom, I retreated to the scriptures afterwards to see if He would give me an answer through His written word. The scriptures opened to a page with only one phrase highlighted: “Ye shall know that I am the Lord”……I knew in that instant that the Saviour lived, that He had heard my prayer, and that He would grant me my heart’s desire. I knew that I was kneeling in front of Him who has all power, might, mercy, wisdom and love. I knew the Lord that day because He bore witness to me of His reality. 


How great Thy wisdom,

How great Thy mercy,

How great Thy love

That fills my joyful heart;

How very great Thou art!


(Artist Unknown)

Thursday 13 October 2022



Very often some of us have this misconception that once we receive a spiritual perspective to help us over the hump of difficult days, our lack of faith, or doubts of our spiritual understanding, we feel our life should then be smooth sailing with no relapses. This is especially difficult for the perfectionists who strive to ‘fix’ things once and for all. I have beaten myself up whenever my relapses happened chiding myself for hitting the floor once again not understand that surviving a relapse and keeping on is more important than not having the relapse in the first place. Relapses will always happen because of the nature of mortality and the fallen world we live in at this present time. 


The ups and downs are needed so that we will one day come to know and enjoy fully what Elder Bruce Hafen terms ‘authentic’ joy that is the state of gods we aspire to become. There will be no relapses in that state of perfection and ultimate being. Only serenity, perfection and absence of fear, doubt and lack. Imagine if we did not experience the bitter, would we fully appreciate the sweet that will become our eternal state of being? Would we fully understand what it means to be in the godly state of holiness when in Father’s presence again?


The Saviour did not just suffer. He endured and overcame, thereby giving birth to unfathomable strength which we can access by virtue of our discipleship to endure the ups and downs of our humanity (Alma 7:17). He is the saving grace that picks us up when we hit the floor if we choose to look up to see Him there. His is the enabling power that makes our endurance possible and our journey to authentic joy a certainty. May glory be His forever. 


Will I be lost in crowds of heaven 

When my mortal shell at last I leave,

And will this earthly life appear unreal

When my true home is to me revealed?


Will I come to see Thy face

I so often sought on bended knee,

And forget all the lowly moments

I suffered with merciful help from Thee?


My heart will rend within my chest

When I kneel before Thy throne;

I will weep with grateful heart

For cherished truths that I have known.



(Art: I Walk by Faith by Judy Cooley) 

Sunday 9 October 2022



I am always amazed when I cross paths with a member of the Church who does not study the Old Testament. My only reaction is: How much you miss….. I love all scriptures but my favourite is the Old Testament and here is why. In the Book of Mormon, I see the promised Messiah; in the Doctrine and Covenants, I see the majestic Christ; in the Pearl of Great Price, I see the pre-mortal God; in the New Testament, I see the loving Saviour; but in the Old Testament I see the merciful Jehovah. Out of all His attributes, this to me, is the most important, because it is His mercy in the end that grants my salvation. 


Anyone who studies the Old Testament and understands the history of the House of Israel cannot possibly deny the Saviour’s mercy. The book of Ezekiel alone stands as a witness of this. In Ezekiel’s day, the Lord had three significant prophets: Jeremiah, in the court of Judah, Daniel in the court of Babylon, and Ezekiel, a prophet called to the exiles in Babylonia. We know that ancient Israel rejected Jehovah and turned to other gods becoming so entrenched in sin that they became ripe for destruction and captivity.  You would wonder why after so much warning they received in Jerusalem, the Lord would even bother to call them to repentance yet again whilst in exile but so serious did He consider Ezekiel’s calling that He told him if he didn’t do it, He would hold him responsible for their sins (Ezekiel 3:17,18). And this is an interesting thing….with every instruction the Lord gave him, He told him the people will not believe him because ‘the house of Israel are impudent and hardhearted’ (Ezekie2:7). Six times He called the Israelites ‘a rebellious house’ (Ezekiel 2:5,6,7,9,26,27). Despite all their wickedness and stubbornness, mercy……


Because of God’s foreknowledge, He knew which one of us would be saved and which would be lost. You would think because of this foreknowledge the Saviour didn’t have to atone for everyone. It would certainly lessen the pain of Gethsemane. Yet He hung on the cross despite His power to end it, until every soul was accounted and atoned for, until He could say: “It is finished” (John 19:30). Is this not mercy?


Will the sinner for whom you suffered, 

Who rejected and reviled Thee

Weep in the end for Thy pain and Thy sorrow?

Will his heart understand

When he kneels before Thee

The debt he owes for the existence

Of his merciful tomorrow?



(ART: Portrait of the Christ by Richard L George)

Monday 3 October 2022




Sometimes on our way to our journey’s end, we stop and ask ourselves if all our striving is worth the effort we so diligently give. Gaining exaltation and inheriting ‘all the Father has’ seems abstract and too difficult for our finite minds to comprehend. It’s at those times eternity seems too far away. 


The Saviour likened the kingdom of heaven to an exquisite pearl of great price in Matthew 13 for which a merchant sold all he had to obtain (vs 45-46). I am certain not even this description comes anywhere close to the reality of the place. In His attempt to explain the glory of kingdoms in ‘God’s power’ and acknowledging our finite understanding, the Lord exclaimed: “Unto what shall I liken these kingdoms that ye may understand?” (D&C 88:46). One thing I do understand regarding the glory, the beauty, the magnificence, the brilliance, the perfection of the place where God lives and owns ‘everything’ is that it is worth ALL that I can give and the highest price I can pay. This assurance comes from knowing that Christ gave HIS all for my possession of this exquisite pearl. Every drop He had, He watered the Garden of Gethsemane and spilt on the cross of Calvary……”How exquisite you know not, how hard to bear you know not” (D&C 19:15). For such an exquisite pearl, such exquisite pain.


Giving our all does not mean just our resources and our time but it means placing our appetites, our passions, our addictions, our sins, our sufferings, our sorrows, our afflictions, our very will on the altar of sacrifice….to match His ALL. Our part in this holy union ensures that we become recipients of ‘incomprehensible joy’ (Alma 28:8). For such exquisite pain, such exquisite joy. 


(My gratitude to Elder Bruce C. Hafen for understanding this concept:  “The Atonement: All for All”,  April 2004 General Conference)


I carried my cross to the foot of Calvary,

While you carried yours to the top.

I cried bitter tears over the injustices of my life,

While you bled valiantly for all that was lost.

I carried my hurts like a badge

So scornfully proud and spiritually poor,

While you rose to the heights of your exalted throne:

Perfected, ennobled and infinitely more.

You are so high

And I am so low;

I consent to climb to Calvary’s top,

I consent to be lifted to Thy throne.


(Art: Behold the Man by Christopher Young)