Friday 21 October 2022



A short reflection on the power of Sacrament we will partake this Sunday…. 


Perhaps the most soul wrenching proclamation the Saviour made regarding ancient Israel is this: “…..they have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters” (Jeremiah 2:13). Biologically, we mortals are made up of 60% water. Because of this we cannot sustain life without drinking it. Jehovah, who created us, thus gave us life temporally. But not only temporally, but also eternally. Each Sunday, through the sacramental cup, we are given life eternal through His atoning blood. Thus the water we bring to our lips becomes living water in a cup. This is the power of the Sacrament. As we lay our sins upon the sacramental table this Sunday and covenant to repent, may we reverence Him who bled that we might live….


Thou art the source of all my blessings,

Thou art the source of all my joys,

Thou art the living water

I drink with haste

And savour each and every drop

So careful of tragic waste. 

Feed me God ever more

The love that flows with every cup

Grant me my fill each day

That keeps me living and bears me up. 



(Artist Unknown)

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