Thursday 13 October 2022



Very often some of us have this misconception that once we receive a spiritual perspective to help us over the hump of difficult days, our lack of faith, or doubts of our spiritual understanding, we feel our life should then be smooth sailing with no relapses. This is especially difficult for the perfectionists who strive to ‘fix’ things once and for all. I have beaten myself up whenever my relapses happened chiding myself for hitting the floor once again not understand that surviving a relapse and keeping on is more important than not having the relapse in the first place. Relapses will always happen because of the nature of mortality and the fallen world we live in at this present time. 


The ups and downs are needed so that we will one day come to know and enjoy fully what Elder Bruce Hafen terms ‘authentic’ joy that is the state of gods we aspire to become. There will be no relapses in that state of perfection and ultimate being. Only serenity, perfection and absence of fear, doubt and lack. Imagine if we did not experience the bitter, would we fully appreciate the sweet that will become our eternal state of being? Would we fully understand what it means to be in the godly state of holiness when in Father’s presence again?


The Saviour did not just suffer. He endured and overcame, thereby giving birth to unfathomable strength which we can access by virtue of our discipleship to endure the ups and downs of our humanity (Alma 7:17). He is the saving grace that picks us up when we hit the floor if we choose to look up to see Him there. His is the enabling power that makes our endurance possible and our journey to authentic joy a certainty. May glory be His forever. 


Will I be lost in crowds of heaven 

When my mortal shell at last I leave,

And will this earthly life appear unreal

When my true home is to me revealed?


Will I come to see Thy face

I so often sought on bended knee,

And forget all the lowly moments

I suffered with merciful help from Thee?


My heart will rend within my chest

When I kneel before Thy throne;

I will weep with grateful heart

For cherished truths that I have known.



(Art: I Walk by Faith by Judy Cooley) 

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