Monday 3 October 2022




Sometimes on our way to our journey’s end, we stop and ask ourselves if all our striving is worth the effort we so diligently give. Gaining exaltation and inheriting ‘all the Father has’ seems abstract and too difficult for our finite minds to comprehend. It’s at those times eternity seems too far away. 


The Saviour likened the kingdom of heaven to an exquisite pearl of great price in Matthew 13 for which a merchant sold all he had to obtain (vs 45-46). I am certain not even this description comes anywhere close to the reality of the place. In His attempt to explain the glory of kingdoms in ‘God’s power’ and acknowledging our finite understanding, the Lord exclaimed: “Unto what shall I liken these kingdoms that ye may understand?” (D&C 88:46). One thing I do understand regarding the glory, the beauty, the magnificence, the brilliance, the perfection of the place where God lives and owns ‘everything’ is that it is worth ALL that I can give and the highest price I can pay. This assurance comes from knowing that Christ gave HIS all for my possession of this exquisite pearl. Every drop He had, He watered the Garden of Gethsemane and spilt on the cross of Calvary……”How exquisite you know not, how hard to bear you know not” (D&C 19:15). For such an exquisite pearl, such exquisite pain.


Giving our all does not mean just our resources and our time but it means placing our appetites, our passions, our addictions, our sins, our sufferings, our sorrows, our afflictions, our very will on the altar of sacrifice….to match His ALL. Our part in this holy union ensures that we become recipients of ‘incomprehensible joy’ (Alma 28:8). For such exquisite pain, such exquisite joy. 


(My gratitude to Elder Bruce C. Hafen for understanding this concept:  “The Atonement: All for All”,  April 2004 General Conference)


I carried my cross to the foot of Calvary,

While you carried yours to the top.

I cried bitter tears over the injustices of my life,

While you bled valiantly for all that was lost.

I carried my hurts like a badge

So scornfully proud and spiritually poor,

While you rose to the heights of your exalted throne:

Perfected, ennobled and infinitely more.

You are so high

And I am so low;

I consent to climb to Calvary’s top,

I consent to be lifted to Thy throne.


(Art: Behold the Man by Christopher Young)

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