Saturday 6 August 2022



I have just one thing to say about Job......the trials have to equal the stature of the man:
He strengthened weak hands (Job 4:3)
He supported those who were falling (Job 4:4)
He strengthened the feeble knees (Job 4:4)
He delivered the poor (Job 29:12)
He cared for the orphans (Job 29:12)
He helped those whom no one else would help (Job 29:12)
He gave the widow cause to sing with joy (Job 29:13)
He was eyes to the blind (Job 29:15)
He was feet to the lame (Job 29:15)
He was father to the poor (Job 29:16)
He searched for people in need of his assistance (Job 29:16)
He never found joy in the suffering of his enemies (Job 31:29)
He never wished evil on his enemies (Job 31:30)
He opened his home to strangers (Job 31:32)

If your trials are more than you feel you can bear, the test of faith is equal to the glorious person you are, and like Job, your deliverance will come.....

Your watchful eye was over all my trials
So carefully crafted
With love and tender care,
The crucible almost too hard to bear;
Yet did I worship Thee
Praising Thy name forever.
You stood as sentinel to my yielding heart
Knowing my trust would stand the test of time;
You crushed the enemy of my soul in the final hour,
Your glory, Your might, Your unfathomable power.

(Artist unknown)

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