Thursday 25 August 2022



Psalms have taken on a new meaning for me. I learnt recently that some Psalms were sung anciently at the Passover, in particular 116, 117 and 118. Cast your mind on the last Passover that Jesus celebrated in His mortal life. We know it as the Last Supper. It goes without saying that the Saviour would have sung these particular Psalms with His disciples.


Psalm 118 is a Messianic Psalm with a powerful theme of “His mercy endureth forever” which is repeated five times (vs 1, 2, 3, 4, 29). But that is not all. Upon closer reading, this Psalm testifies of the Saviour’s sacrifice. In verse 16 we read: ‘The right hand of the Lord is exalted’. Who is the right hand of God? Jesus Christ. In verse 27, we read: ‘God is the Lord, which hath showed us light: bind the sacrifice with cords, even unto the horns of the altar.’ We cannot dispute that it was the Saviour who has shown us the light. It is the latter part of the verse that is significant to me. The ‘horns of the altar’ in Moses’ tabernacle symbolised Jehovah’s might and power to save. When the officiating priest put sacrificial blood on the horns, it signified that forgiveness can only come through Jehovah’s power. Often a person accused of wrongdoing would flee to the tabernacle and hold onto the horns claiming asylum until he was tried and found guilty. The horns powerfully symbolised salvation. ‘Binding the sacrifice with cords’ can only mean the Saviour’s sacrifice was bound to the horns of the altar and did indeed symbolise that salvation comes only through Him. Likewise, the sacrificial lamb would have been bound with cords as it was being sacrificed upon the altar. Imagine the Saviour singing this Psalm about himself prior to going to His death as the sacrificial lamb of God.  Makes you want to weep…..


I have one final thing to say, that adds onto my last post about the need to praise and worship the Lord. It is found in Psalm 117: “O PRAISE THE LORD; all ye nations: PRAISE HIM, all ye people. For His merciful kindness is great toward us: and the truth of the Lord endureth for ever. PRAISE YE THE LORD.” Those of us who have in the depths of our soul gratitude for His merciful sacrifice will shout from the rooftops and praise Him now and forever…..


(Artist: Liz Lemon Swindle)

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