Tuesday 16 August 2022



My gratitude for our beloved Saviour was renewed today as I prayed for forgiveness of my shortcomings, my failure to exercise faith when I should, my moments of complaint when going gets tough, my shortsightedness when I need to be brave, my humanity when I need to rise to the true stature of my spirit. As I sorrowed in my heart I reflected on the mercy enabled by the Saviour's atoning sacrifice which has not only afforded forgiveness but has enabled Him to be my mediator with the Father. I understood in that moment that the Father knew my life to the latter because of this merciful mediation of His Beloved Son. I knew that without this medium I would be lost forever. Through it I am granted forgiveness, love, acceptance and assurance of eternal life. May glory be His forever and ever.....

I am lifted to the foot of Thy throne
And speak the words of my longing soul.
I feel Thee Father just a moment away
Because of Him who has paved the way.
I reach for Thy hand
And find Thee there.....

(Art: Father and Son by Danny Hahlbohm)

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