Sunday 6 March 2022




Have you ever wanted an assurance that the course you are pursuing is leading you to eternal life? Did you ever wish to have a witness of God’s approval of you? Well, there is a way….a very simple way, through someone who some of us usually take for granted and that someone is the Holy Ghost:


“There is a difference between the gift of the Holy Ghost and the enjoyment of the gift. All saints after baptism receive the gift or right to the sanctifying power of the Spirit but only those who are worthy and who keep the commandments actually enjoy the promised reward……The actual ENJOYMENT of the gift of the Holy Ghost is a SUPERNAL GIFT that a man can receive in mortality. The fact of its receipt is a WITNESS that the saints so blessed are reconciled to God and are doing the things that will assure them of eternal life in the realms ahead.”

(Bruce, R. McConkie, “A New Witness for the Articles of Faith [1985], p 257)


Nephi spoke of the power of the Holy Ghost carrying the truth ‘UNTO the hearts of the children of men’ (2 Nephi 33:1). Why UNTO and not INTO? Because only we can open the pathway to the entry of our hearts. Clearly, the acceptance of truth allows that entrance. I have never felt the administrations of the Holy Ghost stronger than when I have studied the word of God and feasted upon the words of Christ.


I don’t know who he is besides the obvious fact that he is the third member of the Godhead but I marvel at his power and what he can do. His omnipresence is beyond my mortal understanding but this much I do know: The more I feel his administration, the greater I feel the love of Christ for me and that makes all the difference to my day, to my life, to my purpose. 



The days you embrace my heart

I can scarce contain my tears.

You are the witness,

The Testator of truth,

The illuminator of my path.

I crave your presence

In the caverns of my heart.



Art: "As One" by Danny Hahlbohm

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