Thursday 28 October 2021



I am amazed how opposition in this life serves a noble purpose, a purpose to lift us out of the comfort zone so we can become greater than what we are. I have been through a situation in my life that has repeated itself over and over seeking my attention to walk the higher road in life, a road I know will propel me to climb another rung on the ladder of my personal growth. Sometimes things have to get really uncomfortable before we recognize this is what is happening. We tend to see adverse situations in our lives as unwelcome adversity that is meant to give us experience of sorrow and grief so that we will know happiness when it comes along. This is true of mortality, and this knowledge most of the time seems to  satisfy us,  however, the higher road is paved with recognition that the adverse situation is offering a learning moment needed to affect change. As Robert Frost said: I took the road less travelled and that has made all the difference…..


It is easy to wallow in the comfort zone, even if it is not the ideal situation for us. To reach higher and change things can be overwhelming, especially when we have placed limitations on ourselves. However, faith in God should have no limitations because God is not a god of limits. The universe is His for the giving. 


If God’s work and His glory is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man (Moses 1:39), how can He possibly have limits on what He can do with us? His part is to raise us up and our part is to elevate ourselves on the wings of faith to qualify for the rising. That means faith without works is dead. Becoming one of the greats is a partnership. 


God will very seldom give us blessings that we do not have to earn through our works and our faith. If He did, we would not require stretching and would become gods solely on His efforts. Can you imagine gods devoid of self-discipline, power, endurance, wisdom, knowledge, experience? All these things are ours for the taking in this life, if we will embrace the power of opposition in mortality to elevate us to higher ground.  Acceptance is everything.


A river of peace floods my mortal being;

I struggle to contain such a merciful gift.

With grace You enlarge 

the sparse capacity of my heart

And righteousness moves within me 

as the waves of the sea.

I love You more dearly;

I serve you more freely;

I become what I alone could never be.


(Art: Danny Hahlbohm)


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