Monday 11 October 2021


I have become convinced there is no greater human example of valiancy in this life than that of Nephi.
Have you ever wondered what made him so highly favoured of the Lord (1 Nephi 1:1)? Was it his righteousness or his willingness to undertake what might to some seem like insurmountable tasks? This is a man who was willing to obey any commandment that was given him such as obtaining the brass plates from a ruthless man not knowing how he was going to do it (1 N 4:6); build a ship he has never built before believing it will be good enough not to drown his family (1 N 17:49-51); and built a temple 'after the [elaborate] manner of Solomon' (2 N 5:16), among other things.....Was Nephi a warrior, an engineer or an architect? No, but he was willing to be, because he believed that God could give him power to do anything He commanded him to do (1 N 17:50).
All these things are highly impressive but this is what I feel elevated Nephi's valiancy to the highest level where he could say the Lord had filled him with His love 'even unto the consuming of my flesh' (2 N 4:21). Can you imagine feeling the Saviour's love to the extent that you feel you cannot contain it? Would not any of us desire this? I have not read or heard any other prophet say such a thing and this is, I believe, why: "Nevertheless, I did look unto my God, and I did praise him all the day long, and I DID NOT MURMUR against the Lord because of mine afflictions." (1 N 18:16). I encourage you to read what preceded this scripture.
Both Elijah and Jeremiah wished at one stage of their lives that they had never been born (1 Kings 19:4; Jeremiah 20:14-18) because of their afflictions. That would be my response if I was tied up in a ship with swollen joints with my brothers seeking to kill me. In fact, this has been my wish in life more than once when the trials of my life had thrown me into depths of despair.
Is your life sometimes hard to bear? Are you disappointed it in no way reflects what you always thought it would and should be? Do not be dismayed because in this imperfect life, there is no perfection to be found. The only choice that remains for the valiant is to endure it well, without murmuring, with utmost faith in Him who will one day make all things right. Look upward until the day that you are filled with love 'unto the consuming of your flesh'....

My soul is rent with anguish
In this vale of sorrow and tears;
I dim, I dim
Like a candle in the wind.
My pleas ascend to Thee;
Rising from the ashes of mortality
They seek Thy love to set them free.

  • Cathryne Allen
(Art: I Will Give You Rest by Yongsung Kim)


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