Monday 25 October 2021



I am particularly passionate about words and faith. I believe in the beauty of words and I believe in their power. Consider Enoch who was called to his holy calling when he was ‘slow of speech’ (Moses 6:31). The Lord promised him that He will give him ‘utterance’  and He will ‘justify’ all his words (Moses:32-34). So Enoch trusted, his weakness turned into his greatest strength and he became  so powerful that when he spoke the people trembled and could not stand in his presence (Moses 6:47). Enoch fulfilled his calling admirably.


Worthy spoken words have the power to resonate with the spirit of God and empower us to achieve things we could not ordinarily do on our own.   An  example of this is calling upon the power of the Atonement to enable us to overcome a certain weakness or to receive a healing. I have had experience to this end and can testify that the power of the Atonement, when prayed for, can heal you, as does hearing His word which ‘heals the wounded soul’ (Jacob 2:8). The vibration of the words with which we plead for help attracts the power we are asking for and need.  When we pray, we create a pathway for manifestation of that which we want in our lives. Admonition to pray is prolific in scriptures for exactly this reason.


Spoken word and faith are inter-related. The great exemplar in this is the Saviour himself, who created the world and man by the power of His word (Jacob 4:9; Mormon 9:17; Genesis 1; John 1:1). I believe when the Saviour spoke the words of creation, He spoke by the power of faith. This is evident to me through a small incident in His mortal life when He came upon a fig tree that had no fruit to feed His hunger. He cursed the tree and the tree withered the moment He spoke  (Matthew 21:18-21). When His disciples marvelled at what they saw, Jesus told them that if they had faith and doubted not, if they said the word for mountains to move, it would be so (v21). 


Dare to create the life that you want, especially the life that God would want you to have. Be afflicted for nothing but in prayer with gratitude ask for everything (Philippians 4:6). Read how the Book of Mormon came to be because of faith and prayers of ancient prophets who wrote it (D&C 10:44-52). If prayer can achieve something so significant, it can procure what you need to become your best self.


Aim higher than you have ever aimed before. The Saviour wants you to be like Him, in every way. He would have you learn to harness the power of faith that you might rise to godhood through your power of creation.  That power is already in you……He made sure of it.



How godly You were

When You planted the heavens

And laid the foundations of the earth;

How noble and honourable

When You gave me hope

Through the water’s gate;

I bequest to You my earthly deeds

And fly to You

With my arms of faith. 



(Art: Arms of Faith by Yongsung Kim)

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