Friday 22 October 2021



I find it fascinating to read scriptural prophecies of the last days. I am amazed by the accuracy of Nephi’s vision of us in 2 Nephi chapter 28. Nobody can dispute it, not only because we can see its reality very plainly but because he states at the onset of this chapter that he was ‘constrained’ by the Spirit (v1), meaning the vision of us came to him from heaven itself, and who can dispute that?


Nephi begins this chapter with the importance of the Book of Mormon to the world in the last days because of the corruption of many churches that will be promoting Satan’s value system of selfishness, self-indulgence and immediate gratification, which is basically the doctrine of the prodigal son: indulge now and repent later  (v8). He then brings to our attention Satan’s technique of leading people into ‘carnal security’ by pacifying, lulling and flattering them (vs21,22) but what is particularly interesting about this is that in the course of 4 verses, he makes it plain he is directing his remarks to ‘Zion’. This is a warning to the Church and not to the world. 


The ‘carnal security’ Nephi speaks of leads the members of the Church to a dangerous mentality of  ‘all is well in Zion’ (v21). It makes some of us think that we are good enough as it is; that we have enough time to improve; it’s not so bad if we commit a little sin here and there….after all, we are members of the Church, we meant well and we will in the end be forgiven. This is the mentality of the Ten Virgins in Jesus’ famous parable. 


As a symbol of our covenant relationship with Christ, Jesus used the metaphor of marriage between Himself and His Church. Therefore, when He comes, He will come as a bridegroom to wed the righteous of His Church. These, He states are the members who have received the truth, have taken the Holy Spirit for their guide and have not been deceived (D&C 45:56,57).


When the time of His appearing is here, there will be no reservoir of good works, spiritually building moments, and a sinless slate we will be able to borrow from. We will no longer be able to exist on the testimony of others. The ‘carnal security’ we had wallowed in and been comfortable in will come to an end and all will be lost. Do not be deceived and think you are safe in Satan’s territory. He upholds no one in the end because he will not be able to uphold even himself. His path is futile and has no reward. When the Saviour comes, you will behold Him in His glory and you will want to be with Him. You will want to be with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. 



I would gladly give you some oil

Your empty lamp to fill,

If you could glean the sweat

From my furrowed brow

As I worked on the oil press

So diligently until now.

- Cathryne Allen

(Art: Ten Virgins by Liz Lemon Swindle)

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