Tuesday 2 January 2024



Joseph Smith called the Book of Mormon the keystone of our religion (Introduction, The Book of Mormon). Ezra Taft Benson, one of its' strongest advocates, explained that this keystone is threefold: 1. it is the keystone in our witness of Christ; 2. it is the keystone of our doctrine; and 3. it is the keystone of testimony. Bruce R. McConkie taught that Joseph's description of the Book of Mormon is precisely what it says. The keystone is the central stone in the top of the arch. If that stone is removed, then the arch crumbles, which, in effect, means that the gospel of Jesus Christ, restored anew in this day -- stands or falls with the truth or the falsity of the Book of Mormon" (Bruce R. McConkie, Conference Report, April 1961, pp.38-39). If we take away the Book of Mormon from our religion, we lose the foundation for the restoration, for the gathering of Israel, for the fulness of the gospel, and the administrative directives for ecclesiastical structure of our Church.

There is something personal within the framework of the ‘keystone’. If we take the 'stone' out of it, we are left with the 'key'. The Book of Mormon then becomes the key to our salvation which is in Christ, His gospel, and our testimony of the same. If we read the second testament  of Jesus Christ and we miss Jesus Christ, we have missed the point. We then walk away from this brilliant book having only catalogued some interesting and inspiring stories which can one day be forgotten. The foundation that the ‘keystone’ represents is twofold. The stone to me represents the Church and the key represents the gospel which leads to salvation. If you walk away from the Church, the stone will crumble for you and if you neglect your testimony, you will lose the key. The stone and the key offer safety both ways.

The greatest thing you can take away from the Book of Mormon is evidence of how the Saviour can change us and enlarge us. Think of some of the characters within it and you will see that this is His greatest work and accomplishment and rightly so for no one else has the power to bring about change within the hearts of the children of men so they can be like Him. And being like Him guarantees salvation and eternal life. When this power is witnessed, it motivates us to seek Him. He can do this for you and me. This is His greatest work and His greatest desire.

May all who come to know Thee

 Seek Thy mercy and Thy grace;

And may those found worthy

Be endowed with Thy image

In the countenance of their face.


(ART; Saviour of the World by Laura Wilson)

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