Sunday 6 August 2023




Some of us live with what others would deem insurmountable mountains to climb whilst some of us live with what others would deem easy obstacles and trials. I don’t know why some are living under extreme earthly conditions while others appear to live in the lap of luxury but I do believe in the wisdom of God and trust that He has us all under His watchful eye. I believe He is the master architect and planner of our eternal welfare. 


The Greek word translated as ‘redemption’ means liberation through payment of a ransom. It was a term widely used anciently to refer to payment for slaves in order to set them free. Through the Atonement, the Saviour purchased our freedom from ‘slavery’ to sin and every effect of mortality, including death. There is no sin or condition of mortality that is bigger than the Atonement therefore there is nothing that we cannot be saved from. I think of Alma the Younger being 'in the darkest abyss', his soul being 'racked with eternal torment' (Mosiah 27:28,29). Amidst all that anguish of soul, Alma describes his deliverance with an interesting word. He says he was ‘snatched’ from eternal torment and everlasting burning. Imagine the Saviour's willingness to go to the fires of hell to deliver one of the vilest of sinners. To me this means He would go to the darkest abyss of eternity to rescue us from suffering. 


Each of us lives in our own personal slavery. It’s called mortality. I live with the ‘inadequacy syndrome’. No matter how well I am doing, I can always see my faulty side much clearer than my good side. I sometimes fear I am offending God with my very being……..I am a slave to inadequacy and self-criticism....and other mortal weaknesses. Some of us are slaves to depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, feelings of worthlessness and a myriad of other mental disorders. All of these bring with them a degree of suffering, no less than more extreme conditions some of us live under. Our sufferings are personalised but our escape is assured. Whether it comes in this life or the next, we WILL be free because of the root of our salvation, the facilitator of our happiness, the well of living water, the fountain of all righteousness, Christ the King. 


I long to reside in Your presence;

To never know sadness

Or the wretched heat of my tears.

I know I will be safe there

Where fears cannot find me

And trials cannot scar me.

I know there will be safety

In the shadow of Your wings

My burdens You will lift

And wipe away my sins.


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