Monday 17 July 2023



“Some have wondered why the Lord would appear to an enemy of the Church like Saul and subsequently call him to His ministry. Elder Bruce R. McConkie explained that this difficulty is resolved by understanding that the Lord’s plan of salvation encompasses our premortal life: ‘Saul was foreordained; nothing he had done on earth qualified him for what was ahead; but his native spiritual endowment, nurtured and earned in pre-existence, prepared him for the coming ministry’ (Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, 2:91)” (New Testament Institute Student Manual, Gospel Library)


It is truly amazing that the Lord would call two of the worst sinners to be mighty men in His Church and to bring thousands of souls to repentance. I speak of Saul of Tarsus, known as Paul the apostle, and Alma the Younger. When the Lord revealed the eternal nature of spirits to Abraham, he was shown the intelligences that ‘were organised before the world was; and among all these there were many of the noble and great ones’ whom He determined to make rulers on earth (Abraham 3:22,23). Amongst those great ones were no doubt Paul and Alma. And this is what makes this doctrine one of comfort……imagine if we were judged only on the merit of this fallen world that we reside in now. How many of us would be fit for anything? Another comforting thought…..imagine if there was no room for error whilst in mortality! How many of us would be doomed??? The answer is, ALL. 


I am an idealist. I struggle with this life and what I am like here. I want the ideal me, now. I long to be the me I once was before my mortal birth: zealous, fearless and of perfect faith. Another comforting thought: God remembers me from that time and sees me in my entirety. My dearest friend always reminds me of that. My greatest attribute is that I love the truth and am very passionate about it. It keeps me afloat and ensures I stay on the straight and narrow. It keeps me grounded. Another comforting thought……the Saviour atoned for us as we are now, in this imperfect sinful world. Sometimes we feel inadequate and even worthless but I am certain He looks at us and thinks: If only you knew who you REALLY are!


Your truth in my soul, burns and burns

And guides me over and over back to Thee.

I hear the sweet sounds of home

Etched in my everlasting memory.


(Art: The Robe of Righteousness by Phil McKay)

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