Wednesday 26 July 2023





Very often we get lost in our admiration of Paul the apostle and we miss the most important lesson we can learn from him, and that lesson is this: all our actions have consequences that cannot be escaped because what we send into the lives of others, comes back into our own.


Alma the Younger gave his son Corianton some interesting advice that we can relate to Paul. He admonished him to be merciful to his brethren and he shall have mercy; to deal justly and he shall have justice; to judge righteously and he shall be righteously judged and to do good continually and he shall have good rewarded to him…..and then he said summed it up beautifully: ‘for that which ye do send out shall return unto you again….’ (Alma 41:14,15). 


When the Lord said of Paul, ‘For I will show him how great things he must suffer for my name’s sake’, He wasn’t kidding (Acts 9:16). Paul suffered five scourgings, three beatings with a rod, one stoning, one shipwreck, lengthy imprisonment, and endurance of peril, hunger, painfulness and weariness wherever he went but most of all, if you read the book of Acts, constant persecution by the Jews (2 Corinthians 11:24-27). And so you see, Paul the persecutor became Paul the persecuted…..


No wicked act committed against another will go unnoticed. Those who do not repent of unjust behaviour toward others will have to confront that accountability on that day ‘when the Lord shall come to ‘recompense unto every man according to his work, and measure to every man according to the measure which he has measured to his fellow man’ (D&C 1:10). We mostly focus on Saviour’s mercy these days because we want to believe that we will be forgiven for anything and we overlook the fact that He will also come to execute justice for those whose lives and spirits were crushed and damaged by others.


There is another great lesson here. We cannot eternally live with the God of love if we do not love one another. We cannot live with the Saviour if we are not like Him. Love is central to His character. His love transcends our weaknesses, our flaws and even our sins. Paul learnt this lesson well. In extolling the high status of charity to the Corinthians he said: even if I speak with the tongue of angels and have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and knowledge and have faith to move mountains, and bestow all my goods to the poor and give my body to be burned and have not charity toward others, I am nothing…..(1 Corinthians 13:1-8). 

I kept my love close to my heart

Until it became too heavy to bear.

It overflowed my weakened arms

And scattered along humanity’s path.

Like crumbs from the table it fed a few,

The lonely, the weak and the weary

And gladdened my giving heart.

I spread my arms wide

And fed a throng for many years

Until each cared for soul

Paved the trail of my happy tears.


(Art: As I Have Loved You by Greg Olsen)

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