Tuesday 15 March 2022



Imagine being born a slave and being in bondage and oppression all your life. Imagine being miraculously delivered with a promise of being led to a land flowing with milk and honey. Imagine the hope and the exhilaration. Now imagine arriving at the banks of a vast sea before you with the mightiest army of the world behind you. What would your thoughts be? Most likely, fear at the back and fear at the front. And why would God who miraculously delivered you from slavery bring you to a body of water to make your escape impossible? Because there comes a time when our difficulties push us in the direction of needed further growth. 


Bearing in mind that the Israelites were in Egyptian bondage for 430 years (Exodus 12:40), it is safe to suppose that they needed some serious tutoring as to the nature of the God that they followed. Had the children of Israel been capable of following the coastal route through the war infested Philistine lands to Canaan, their journey would have been relatively short.  To teach them, however,  to have trust in Him, the Lord took them to the Red Sea instead. All night long He caused a strong wind to divide the Red Sea as they crossed over to their freedom (Exodus 14:21,22) and He did not stop there. He destroyed the enemy behind them. 


It's interesting to me that the lesson of trust had to be reinforced with Israelites over and over again, that the plagues of Egypt were not enough. And just as stupendous in scope as the plagues, so were the constant miracles that Jehovah performed in their sojourn to Canaan. Following the crossing of the Red Sea, Israelites sang a song of praise expressing their wonder: “Who is like unto thee, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders?” (Exodus 15:11). Not long after, however,  the murmuring  began….with over 20 serious instances of it in their wanderings. And so the issue of trust needed to be reinforced over and over.


It has been my experience that acceptance of the growth we need in any particular area, comes in increments. The Lord’s wisdom is un-surpassing when it comes to His understanding of our capability to grasp what would propel us to greater heights. The pressure exerted upon us to move up a ladder is only ever equal to our ability to rise. If you have come to the banks of your Red Sea, TRUST that it will part even if you have to wade waist deep…..


You opened my heart

And searched for what 

You there did not see;

My feeble faith and lack of trust

Stood in contrast to your will for me.

You sorrowed at the tears I shed

With every step I was led to take

To find You in my hour of agony.

How patiently You stood waiting

With open arms hoping I would come to Thee;

How patiently You hoped

I would give You all that was lacking in me.



(Art: Rescue Me by Yongsung Kim)

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