Sunday 23 January 2022



A friend suggested to me that the Saviour’s admonition to be 'perfect' is a verb as it was originally written, that it virtually means to be ‘perfecting’. She also said, ‘that feels totally doable’ and it certainly does because it suggests that perfection is a life long journey.
I don’t have a reference to back up that the Saviour said ‘perfecting’ as in both the Bible and the Book of Mormon it says ‘perfect’ but I have something else to offer which might support this theory. It is interesting to note that when Jesus commanded us to be perfect (Matt 5:48), He did not say ‘sinless’. For us to be sinless living by faith in this telestial mortality is an impossibility. However, what is more interesting in His statement is this: The Greek word for sinless is ANAMARTETOS. The Greek text, however, does not use this word but rather it says ‘be ye therefore TELIOS’. ‘Telios’ means to be brought to its’ end, finished, fully developed, having fulfilled one’s purpose or having fulfilled the measure of one’s creation. What is our purpose? To be tried and tested without forsaking God. This can be proved by the Saviour’s example. He said to the Jews ‘be ye therefore perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect’ (Matt 5:48) but to the Nephites He included himself in that statement (3 Nephi 12:48). Why? Because he had by then finished His purpose and endured to the end.
When it comes to perfection our focus should be first and foremost in surviving our trials without losing faith and trust in God and secondly, it is the striving to become that is the process of perfection. This is our path for now more than anything but when we are sanctified (cleansed) and justified (brought back in alignment with God), our faithfulness to Him will complete the circle of perfection.
In my quest for perfection I have found this: the closer I get to my Father in heaven, the less appealing my weaknesses and sins become because a desire to please Him has taken over the ‘I should’ mentality. It is always easier when you tackle something out of desire rather than compulsion. I spoke of this in my last post. If you gain a genuine desire to please God, your inclination to engage in your sins and weaknesses will gradually dissipate. When our desire to bring honour and glory to the Father is genuine in our hearts, our focus on self diminishes and our journey to perfection is assured. This is the path that the Saviour travelled from beginning to the end. May we follow in every footstep He left behind that we may return into the loving arms of the Father who is patiently waiting…..
I long for God’s acceptance
Of the paltry offering of my heart;
Never seeing His approval
Manifested plainly in mortal sight.
Yet crafted with the heaven’s pen,
Given through the heaven’s door,
Sealed with love and sent direct
From the seat of His eternal throne.
(ART: God Calling by Youngsung Kim)

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