Thursday 27 January 2022




During his interlude with God, Enoch pleaded with Him that God would have ‘mercy upon Noah and his seed’ (Moses 7:50) but he did so in the most powerful way that a prayerful plea should ever be uttered. He said: “I ask Thee, O Lord, in the name of thine Only Begotten, even Jesus Christ, that thou wilt….”(v50). In other words, he did not use Jesus' name as an ending afterthought, like we are accustomed to do so at the end of our prayers. He began with the Saviour’s name as an acknowledgement of his faith in the source of power through which his petition can be answered. As a result of his faith in the Saviour and the power of His name, God could not withhold from covenanting with Enoch that He would grant his petition (v51). So powerful did Enoch become in speaking ‘the word of the Lord’ that the earth trembled and the mountains fled (v13). Which word? Without a doubt, he commanded the mountains to flee in the name of Jesus Christ. Likewise, the mountains of our lives can crumble at the mention of His name. Like feathers, they can fly before our face. My testimony of this truth is based on experience. Believe in the power of your faith in Him at whose appearing the mountains will flow down at His presence, the elements will melt with fervent heat, the waters will boil and the sun will hide its face in shame (Hebrews 12:29; D&C 133:40-44, 49). Is this not power greater than any mountain on your path? 


Who is a God like unto Thee,

Jehovah, our King?

Who sees our frailties, who heeds our pleas;

Who answers in mercy, who forgives in our need

And runs to our relief;

Who carries us in His bosom

As a loving Father would;

Longing to shelter us from sin and from pain,

In the shadow of His hand to forever remain.


(Art by Liz Lemon Swindle)

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