Friday 10 December 2021


He came to make something of you and me. All cost considered, a commitment iron clad, He subjected himself to the lowliest of all births that He might lift an amazing assortment of humanity that we are. I marvel at our uniqueness, our creativity, our intelligence, our very essence and all that we are and are yet to become. One baby born in a stable made this possible. 

When Moses encountered God on Mount Sinai, God revealed Himself to him and Moses saw the glory of God and every particle of this earth and all the children of men (Moses 1:8,27) that have ever been created. The vision of God's power was overwhelming to a man who grew up in an Egyptian court believing that Pharoah was god and there was no one greater than him so he exclaimed that now he could see that man is nothing (Moses :10). God, however, didn't want Moses to miss the point so He showed him the same vision again and concluded it with the most important message in the scriptures: "For behold this is my work and my glory - to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man" (Moses 1:39). The point that God didn't want Moses to miss is this: amongst all of God's creations, none are greater than man…..because man constitutes God’s glory. All that we are and all that we become matters because it leads to our glory and adds to His. So He came to clothe us in robes of glory whilst He, for a moment, declined His, the splendour of His godhood suspended to carry the burdens of the faithful, the faithless and the lowliest. 

We tend to think of the Saviour in relation to His infinite sacrifice, the life he gave up so that we might live, which is of course correct. That sacrifice would not have been possible, however,  were it not for His humble beginning as a mortal baby, a beginning such as every other. I cannot fathom His condescension:  leaving His godly station to lay himself down in a bed of straw of this lowly earth. What a sacrifice from the stable to Calvary! And all for you and me…..


Did you miss

Your godly robes

That you traded for 

The swaddling cloths of Calvary?

Was the ground rough beneath

Your feet as You traversed

The dust of Galilee?

The baseness of This earth,

So willingly suffered despite hostility.

Yet You came

The Father to reveal

And to Him forever

Our yielding hearts to seal.


(Art: Liz Lemon Swindle)

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