Thursday 30 December 2021



Many of us will have begun to set goals as we approach the New Year. I gave up on that futile exercise many years ago. I discovered I don’t do well when I feel compelled to do something, even if that compulsion comes from me. Now I focus on spiritual aspects of my life’s journey more. My focus for next year will be ‘faith’. I have a burning desire to become a woman of faith at a much deeper level than what I have thus far been. This desire is linked to my understanding of faith being a component of righteousness. It has been given me to understand that learning to harness the power of faith is my next step on my life’s journey. 


Statistically, setting and reaching goals has very poor results. It has been estimated that 80% of people who set New Year resolutions drop out of the race after the first month. Many of you will disagree and say that goals are important. I understand if this is something you are converted to and have had success doing. The only point I am trying to make here is the highly advantageous surrender to Him who has all wisdom and knows us beyond our mortal understanding, to guide us on the path of our self-improvement and growth. When we are equally yoked with Him in our efforts to change and improve, the odds for succeeding are extremely high. Trusting Him to reveal to us where we should improve next so we can become who we need to be to fulfill our purpose here is where we should invest our finest efforts. 


If you are struggling with sin, weakness or addiction, the Saviour is the rudder of your ship when you put out to sea. If you have been floating on the waters of tribulation, He can point the way to the safe harbour and steady the turbulence of the storm so you can rise to your greatest potential. Do not trust in your mortal efforts alone, turn to Him who has all power to overcome and lift you to heights you need to be at.  I promise you, if you trust Him to show you the way, you will find His footprints even in the deepest seas……


I will step into deeper waters

And abandon the ground under my feet;

I will wade and look for You,

I will see Your footprints

Even in murky seas.

I will reach and find Your hand

To guide me where I am meant to go

I will trust, I will surrender,

Your purpose for me to know. 


(Art: David Bowman)

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