Wednesday 9 October 2024




“I am convinced that one of the profound themes of the Book of Mormon is the role and prevalence and central participation of angels in the gospel story….One of the things that will become more important in our lives the longer we live is the reality of angels, their work and their ministry.

"I refer here not alone to the angel Moroni but also to those more personal ministering angels who are with us and around us, empowered to help us and who do exactly that (see 3 Nephi 7:18; Moroni 7:29-32,37; D&C 107:20).

"I believe we need to speak of and believe in and bear testimony of the ministry of angels more than we sometimes do. They constitute one of God’s great methods of witnessing through the veil, and no document in all this world teaches that principle so clearly and so powerfully as does the Book of Mormon.”

-        - Jeffrey R. Holland, For A Wise Purpose, Ensign January 1996, 16-17

“In the gospel of Jesus Christ, you have help from both sides of the veil, and you must never forget that. When disappointment and discouragement strike – and they will – you remember and never forget that if our yes could be opened we would see horses and chariots of fire as far as the eye can see riding at reckless speed to come to our protection. They will always be there, these armies of heaven, in defense of Abraham’s seed.”

-        - Jeffrey R. Holland, For Times of Trouble, BYU Speeches


Angels are you near me

To catch me if I fall?

Do you stand guard at the entrance

Of my heart

On God’s errand and sentinel’s call?


Do you pave the way

And steady my feet,

And ensure my enemy’s defeat?


You are unsung heroes

Of every journey’s flight

You are phantoms of love

Concealed from mortal sight.


(Art: Lightworkers by Greg Olsen)

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