Saturday, 21 December 2024



“The trial of Jesus in Gethsemane would not have been possible and could not have occurred had it not been preceded by a lifetime of sinless virtue…Christ paid the price of a perfect life, walking in holy sinlessness despite adversity, physical suffering, deep sorrows, and the snares of ruthless and determined adversaries, both seen and unseen.

‘All this He did with the knowledge that one misstep would mean creation’s doom! For had He sinned even in the smallest point or slightest negligence of thought, the Atonement would have become impossible and the whole purpose of creation frustrated. The burden of the whole world weighed upon Him through every moment of His life.” (Elder Bruce D. Porter, The King of Kings, p 92)

Some years ago, I had a priesthood blessing from my then Bishop and was told in that blessing that my life was planned for me in pre-existence and that I accepted that plan because of my great faith in Jesus Christ. This gave me an insight into my anchor in Christ from which I could draw the strength and power to endure my trials and prosper spiritually in this life. It was a comfort beyond compare. It saved me from drowning during the greatest test I had to pass.

When I consider the mortal burden of commitment with which the Saviour lived His life I stand amazed knowing that He had no anchor like we do to draw strength form because He WAS the anchor. Yes, He had the support of the Father and a window into heaven….. until He faced the crucible of His life. Until He was faced with drowning…..

When it mattered the most to have a well He could draw from, the Father withdrew so He could say: “I have overcome and trodden the winepress alone” (Isaiah 63:3; D&C 76:107; 88:106; 133:48,50). Lest you think it was easy for Him: “Reproach hath broken my heart; and I am full of heaviness: and I looked for some to take pity, but there was none; and for comforters, but I found none” (Psalm 69:20)

And this is a hard doctrine: “….I came into the world to do the will of the Father ….and my Father sent me that I might be lifted up upon the cross” (3 Nephi 27:13,14). The Saviour knew from the beginning that this would be His outcome. He knew what He had to do without anyone to save Him, because He was saving me and you.

You came,

Despite such heavy burden

You had to carry.


The sacrifice exacting

Your every ounce of grace,

That my every sin and every mistake

Could easily be erased.


Yet You stayed true,

To what You set out to do

Tracing Your path from Bethlehem

To the valley of doom. 


(Art: Love by Eileen Whitehead)

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