Thursday 30 March 2023




Matthew tells us that He, who would die for the sake of His sheep, was greatly pained by the spiritual state of the House of Israel during His earthly ministry regarding them ‘scattered abroad as sheep having no shepherd’ (Matthew 9:36), but He, the greatest Shepherd of all made a promise by the mouth of Ezekiel some 500 years before: “Behold, I, even I, will both search my sheep, and seek them out….I will feed my flock….I will seek that which was lost, and bring again that which was driven away, and will bind that which was broken, and will strengthen that which was sick…..And I will make with them a covenant of peace….for ye are my flock, the flock of my pasture,  and I am your God…...” (Ezekiel 34:2,4,11,15-16,25,31).


And further by the mouth of Jeremiah, a promise more pertinent to us, modern day Israel: “….I will gather the remnant of my flock…and I will set up shepherds over them which shall feed them: and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, neither shall they be lacking, saith the Lord….” (Jeremiah 23:1-6). Today the Master Shepherd watches over His sheep under the watchful eye of the shepherds of His Church. As General Conference draws near, may we, the sheep of His flock, thirst for the green pastures enriched by the words of the shepherds…..


Be still my soul

And know that He leads you

By the voice of His heart.

He beckons and He calls

Your spirit to ignite

To truth and godly path.

His love will find you,

He will lead you and save your soul,

He is the Shepherd

Who will answer your call.


(Art: Love Everlasting by Yongsung Kim)

Friday 24 March 2023



I would gladly give you some oil
Your empty lamp to fill,
If you could glean the sweat
From my furrowed brow
As I worked on the oil press
So diligently until now.

It is no coincidence that the Saviour's relationship with His Church is symbolic of marriage. He is the Bridegroom whose love for His Bride exceeds all other loves because it was sealed with His blood. The question begs to be asked: which one of us does not yearn for the greatest love there is? Which one of us does not want to attend the greatest wedding there will ever be? The time is drawing near and we will not be able to live on borrowed light. 

(Art: The Five Wise Virgins by Greg Collins)

Wednesday 22 March 2023



When Jesus said those famous words: “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest, take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls” (Matthew 11:28,29), He was in actuality directing this invitation to the Jewish people of His day who were labouring under the heavy yoke of convoluted law of Moses which had morphed into 613 laws of strict observance (See Talmage, Jesus the Christ, p 258-9; Jewish Virtual Library, Judaism:The 613 Mitzvot (Commandments)).


So what was the ‘easy’ yoke that Jesus offered to the oppressed who laboured under these overwhelming laws? Quite simply, it was His gospel; the new, easier doctrine fulfilling the law of Moses. Admittedly, it was the higher ground of morality and honest living yet still it offered more spiritual and mental freedom and rest to one’s soul than the yoke that came with 613 burdensome laws. 


We, modern day Israel, have two yokes to choose from: the yoke of Christ or the yoke of the world. One is light and easy and comes with restful respite while the other is a relentless yoke of bondage and misery born from sin, worldly pursuits and world’s crippling ideologies. The yoke that the world would put upon our shoulders offers false freedom which lasts

 but a moment and becomes heavier and heavier to bear. It would make of us beasts of burden that the yoke is in reality meant for. It’s a yoke that costs dearly with an ever increasing price. Contrast that with Christ’s invitation to come unto Him and ‘buy milk and honey without money and without price’ (2 Nephi 26:25)……because the price has been paid, the burden made light, the freedom assured. 


(Art: The Divine Gardener by Greg Collins)

Wednesday 15 March 2023



Daily I stand in my holy place

As I feast upon Thy holy word,

Ever hopeful I will meet You there;

Thy Spirit to embrace

And the cares of this world to arrest.

I reach for You in darkness

And step up to heaven’s door;

I am bathed in light

And am granted entrance to Your heart.

In studying the New Testament this year, I have become enthralled with Jesus’ fame among the common people during his earthly ministry. His popularity became so great  that wherever He went great multitudes followed and at times so thronged that they impeded  the Saviour’s movements. It often made it impossible for Him to effectively deliver a discourse. Such was their desire to hear the new doctrine and words of eternal life He could give them. The multitudes that pressed upon Him so eagerly made it necessary for the Saviour to preach to them from a ‘small ship’ which was kept in readiness on the beach in Galilee (Mark 3:8,9). 


This has made me see how eager we should be to hear the Saviour’s words so readily available to us through the scriptures that sit on our shelves and do not necessitate that we even leave our house let alone sit on the shore of some sea. Yes, listening to the Saviour in person would be the next level of spiritual feasting, as Nephites of old could attest, and this is something to look forward to. However, we are not there yet. When Christ travelled on the road to Emmaus post resurrection, He simply expounded the scriptures which testified of Him (Luke 24:13-32) to two of His travelling companions, after which the two men proclaimed: “Did not our hearts burn within us while he opened to us the scriptures?” (Luke 24:32). As much as it would be wonderful to have Him with us, this for now is the next best thing. 


I testify to you that our hearts can burn within us as we study the scriptures.  I testify that He lives and He is all that the scriptures claim Him to be. I pay homage to the Holy Ghost who enlightens my mind and who increases my capacity to understand the words of eternal life and who brings me to the throne of God to reverence Him now and forever. 


(Art: Nurtured by the Word by Greg Olsen)#

Monday 6 March 2023



“Our Father who art in heaven. God is our Father, the father of our spirits, we are his children, his offspring, literally. We lived in his presence, dwelt in his courts, and have seen his face. We were as well acquainted with him then as we are with our mortal fathers now. He is a holy man, has a body of flesh and bones, and dwells in a heavenly abode. When we approach his throne in prayer, we think not only that he is the Almighty, by whose word the earth, the sidereal heavens, and the universe came into being, but that he is a gracious and loving Father whose chief interest and concern is his family, and that he wants all his children to love and serve him and to become like him. Perfect prayer manifests our personal relationship to him who hears and answers the petitions of the faithful. 


Hallowed be thy name. ‘We approach thee in awe – reverentially – in the spirit of worship and thanksgiving, and we praise thy holy name. Thou art glorious beyond anything we can envision; all that is good we ascribe unto thee, and we desire to consecrate our life and being unto thee, for thou hast made us, and we are thine’.”

(Bruce R McConkie, The Mortal Messiah Book 2, p 148-9)


You see me Father, 

Despite heaven’s vast expanse,

You hear the burning beat of my heart

Amidst the numberless host of heaven.

You cherish me, 

More than the stars that encircle Thy throne;

Thy greatness is endless,

Thy power sublime.

In my appointed hour,

Carry me home

In the strength of Thy loving arms.


(Art: The Lord's Prayer by Liz Lemon Swindle)