Wednesday 24 November 2021



If you have ever wondered what your purpose in life is, then the story of Abinadi is the story for you.  When Abinadi first came on the scene preaching repentance in 148 B.C., he escaped King Noah’s edict of execution only to resurface two years later to go from a frypan into the fire.  And not any fire. Being burnt at stake would have been more merciful than what he suffered. Abinadi was scorched to death by flames of faggots that were used to poke and sear his skin until death (Mosiah 17:13,14). This practice of torture and death by fire was practiced widely among native American cultures. 


This is what will forever be recorded in the annals of history about this man:  His unwavering testimony of Christ. When questioned by the priests of Noah, Abinadi recited Isaiah 53 in its perfection and entirety. I am sure he didn’t carry scriptures around and most certainly didn’t have them handy when handcuffed standing in front of his accusers. How many of us could memorise Isaiah, recite it word for word and then explain it? This is chapter 53: “….surely he hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows….he was wounded for our transgressions…he was oppressed and afflicted….”. It is about Messiah’s humiliation and sufferings. But there is something else very interesting about Chapter 53. Abinadi quoted that Christ would, because of His death, divide His eternal reward ‘with the strong’ (Mosiah 14:12).  Well, you can’t get stronger than Abinadi who knew he was going to meet his death but who wouldn’t abstain from finishing his message. Take note why: “I finish my message; and then it matters not whither I go, if it so be that I am saved.” (Mosiah 13:9). Never a more poignant statement has been made… the end, all that mattered is that he fulfilled his purpose. 


Another amazing thing about Abinadi…..he focused on delivering his message, he did not fixate on the success thereof….so he went to his death believing he fulfilled his purpose without any results, but there was a convert….Alma, then Alma the Younger, then Helaman, then his son Nephi, then 3rd Nephi…and we all know what these men achieved. 


In your journey of self-discovery, be not afraid to step into deeper waters to discover what your true purpose in life is, and do not be worried about obvious results. Only be concerned with God’s approbation. Find the Abinadi in you and do not be afraid of the flames…..




How beautiful were your feet

As you published peace

And were numbered amongst His seed

Of the faithful and the believing;

As you so valiantly accepted His call

To bring Him as an offering

To the proud and the unbelieving.

You stood without flinching

As the flames licked your body

And defiant spirit without yielding.

With courage you proclaimed His Sonship

And His godly might;

With righteous devotion

You earned entrance to His holy heart.


(Art by Briana Shawcroft)

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