Saturday 27 November 2021



More on Job.......because I know of no greater example of endurance than that of this man. Even though he sank to the depths of despair wishing he was never born (Job 3:3) and not understanding the reason for his suffering, he remained true to his conviction of God's wisdom and power.
Like the rest of us, Job was not sinless but was so righteous that the Lord called him perfect (Job 1:8) so why all the suffering? Why are good people allowed and even called to suffer in this life? This answer is twofold. Firstly, all those who desire to come unto Christ have to experience a portion of his suffering to properly know Him. Job proved this to be true.....he only knew OF God prior to his suffering but at the end he came to KNOW God, as he said: "I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee" (Job 42:5). In other words, before his suffering, Job knew God theoretically but through his suffering he came to know Him experientially. To become like Christ and in the end receive of His glory, it is needful for us to become partners with Him, in some small measure, in His sufferings and walk the path He walked. Paul called this 'the fellowship of his sufferings' (Philippians 3:8-10).
Secondly, the fiery darts that we suffer in mortality are designed to fit us for exaltation. Jesus himself had to learn obedience 'by the things which he suffered' (Heb 5:8,9). Suffering is not only meant to educate us, mould us and refine us but to test our obedience in the midst thereof. God would have us become like Him. For this reason He will allow us to suffer in the refiner's fire that we might in the end become purified with His image in our countenance (Job 23:10; Malachi 3:2,3).
As you sit in the furnace of your affliction (Isaiah 48:10), remember His watchful eye is over you. He does not love you less because He has allowed misfortune to befall you. In fact, He loves you more because of what you will have endured and what you will become. He knows your sorrow and your anguish. You were bought with a price and you are cherished (1 Corinthians 6:20). Stand firm on your testing ground, even as Job. Have strength as you trust in His promises and His work to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of His most valuable possession, you.
Your watchful eye was over all my trials
So carefully crafted
With love and tender care,
The crucible almost too hard to bear;
Yet did I worship Thee
Praising Thy name forever.
You stood as sentinel to my yielding heart
Knowing my trust would stand the test of time;
You crushed the enemy of my soul in the final hour-
Your glory,
Your might,
Your unfathomable power.
(Art by Danny Hahlbohm)

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