Monday 19 July 2021



The persecution of the Saints in July 1833 reached its peak when five hundred men rushed into Independence waving a red flag and brandishing guns, dirks, whips, and clubs. Their goal was to rid Jackson county of the ‘Mormons’. They vowed to whip and kill the men; destroy their children, and ravish their women. To save the saints, Edward Partridge, William Phelps, Isaac Morley, A. Sidney Gilbert, John Whitmer, and John Corrill offered themselves as a ransom to be scourged or put to death. Their offered sacrifice was not accepted as the mob proceeded to wreak havoc with their proclamation of “leave the county or die”. (Doctrine and Covenants Student Manual p 231)

We are all familiar intellectually with the persecution of the early Church but none of us know it experientially. I for one cannot fathom enduring the stress of such persecution and fearing for the lives of my children. My most stressful situation in life has been year 2020. I feel the oppressing effects of the latest lockdown as I drive my car in peace to the nearest supermarket to buy from the well-stocked bulging shelves. I really lack nothing but am still finding it difficult to cope with lack of the freedom I am accustomed to. My stress levels would be minimal to that of the early saints but nevertheless it is valid considering I am a product of my time. No difficult situation is insignificant. What is significant is this: in the midst of that severe persecution in 1833, the Lord gave an incredibly surprising revelation to the saints in which He said: “Fear not, rejoice evermore and in everything give thanks” (D&C 98:1). Not what you would expect, is it? I wonder how many saints balked at that instruction and I wonder if I would have been one of them. I imagine some of them would have wondered if the Lord really knew what was going on and what on earth they had to be grateful for.

Among other significant things the Lord mentioned relating to persecution, He took the meaning of it to another level when He said: “I will prove you in all things, whether you will abide in my covenant, even unto death…” (D&C 98:14). It has been my long held belief that we made certain covenants in pre-existence before we made them here. The most important covenant I believe we made was that we would accept and endure the difficulties of our times and remain valiant throughout. This meant physical persecution for early saints and a pandamic for us. Why? That we ‘may be found worthy…..of Him (98:14,15). Worthy of Him who offers us redemption, salvation, deliverance, glory, godhood…..May we place these un-surpassing gifts above all the treasures and trials of this world and believe in a brighter day.

Let me Lord
Sit by the furnace of affliction
To warm myself by Thy refiner’s fire;
Purge my sin and polish me as silver
That I might in the end receive my desire
To shine forth as a jewel in Thy crown
When thou wilt come
To gather Thine own
To receive us into Thy bosom
And carry us home

  • Cathryne Allen

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