Wednesday, 5 March 2025



In Section 27 of the Doctrine and Covenants, we are told to ‘lift up our hearts and rejoice’ because there is a way to withstand the evils of our day, if we put on the armour of God (D&C 27:15-18). This is good news indeed when you consider the evils of our day which have the power to extinguish any happiness and down-right destroy us.

Our enemy knows us well. He knows us both from our pre-mortal life and from observing us in our mortal state.  He knows what buttons to push when and he knows how to get into our cracks and inflict wounds that might never heal therefore it is of utmost importance to put on the 'whole armour' of God upon us to prevent these wounds.  A section or two is not enough.  Almost all the armour will not do.  It needs to be a complete armour for complete protection.

When Ahab, the king of Israel led his army against the forces of Syria, he took every precaution to avoid being injured, even disguising himself so that the Syrians would not recognise him and focus on his destruction.  The only thing he did not do was wear enough armour and ‘someone drew his bow at random and hit the king of Israel BETWEEN the sections of his armour’ (2K22:34, NIV). By the evening, he had bled to death.

The degree of protection we have from the adversary is proportional to the diligence and heed we give to the Lord's commandments.  How obedient we are here is an indication of how much we are willing to stand for the conviction that was ours in our pre-existence.  The extent of our armour is a good indication of how valiant in our testimony of Jesus we are being here and now. 

Our testimony of Christ is the key. When writing to the Ephesians, Paul took the concept of the armour to a new level when he admonished the Romans to put on ‘the armour of light’ meaning ‘the Lord Jesus Christ’ (Romans 13:14). The armour of God truly does protect us from spiritual darkness because each section of the armour deals with a gospel principle that counteracts sin. This is the greatest protection we can have. The ‘armour of light’ however suggests something more. It means bringing the light of Christ to the world to counteract the darkness.

The adversary is having enormous success but He can never win against ‘the light of the world’. His power is no match for Him who has conquered the power of sin and death.

Now more than ever, we need to wear the armour of God and the armour of light and bring it to the world.  The more righteous we are, the more light we are endowed with until we come to that day when we become as glorious as the one who is the source of all light.

In the words of Terri Savelle Foy: Satan has no power on his best day to take you out on your worst day……

Is this not cause enough to rejoice???


(Art: Put On the Armour of God by Celestial Heritage)

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