There are
some in the Church who believe that the destruction of the wicked at the Second
Coming will happen due to natural elements that will occur because of our
destruction of the planet. This is a mistaken belief which undermines ‘the perfect
workmanship’ of Christ’s hands that is our planet and denies His power and
glory as a resurrected and exalted being that He now is which will be evident
at His coming.
We are told
that the righteous will be caught up to meet Him and in the process be
transfigured while the wicked will remain on the earth. Why will the righteous
be transfigured? So that they can withstand the brighteness of His glory and
not be consumed. It makes for logic that those who remain in their raw, mortal
state will not be able to withstand such light and will be destroyed by it (see
D&C 5:19; McConkie, Doctrinal New Testament Commentary)
For those
who want a more scientific approach, here it is. We are also told that when the
Saviour appears, the sun will hide its face in shame (D&C 133:49). Why the
shame? Because the Lord’s brighteness will outshine the sun.
to science, the energy of sunlight can reach extremely high levels, with the
highest-energy sunlight recorded reaching nearly 10 trillion electron volts….hence
the ozone layer. If it were not for the ozone layer which acts as a shield to
protect life on earth, we would all be fried to a crisp. When the Saviour
comes, He will be more powerful than the sun and will come right through that
ozone layer.
A reader
with a more scientific mind, calculated that “every molecule in a resurrected
body is ‘oscillating’ nearly the speed of light and if that’s so then if a
normal healthy mortal puts out 100 watts of body heat, then an ‘exalted’ being will
radiate 36.525 megawatts of heat. At that level of energy state, we are talking
about hard X-rays and Gamma rays and blinding lights! The scriptures back that
up by saying ‘a man will wither and die in His presence unless he is ‘quickened’”
(Jon, Sieffert).
When the
Saviour returns, this will be the result of the light and heat He will radiate:
1. Mountains
will flow down at His presence (D&C 133:40,44; Micah 1:4)
2. The
waters on the earth will boil (D&C 133:41)
3. All
nations will tremble at His presence (D&C 133:42)
4. The
sun will hide, the moon will withhold its light, and the stars will be hurled
from their places (D&C 133:49)
5. The
wicked will be burned by the brighteness of fire of the glory of the Lord
(Malachi 4:1-3; 2 Thessalonians 2:8; D&C 5:19)
How both glorious
and terrible will be His appearing!!! He will come and subdue all enemies under
His feet (D&C 76:61). He will need no sword or weapon or natural elements. He
will accomplish this simply by being who He is, by the glorified nature of His
person. This is what righteousness and perfection is, it destroys the
wickedness and evil.
great is our Saviour, our Redeemer, our King! There is none greater than Him. May
we rise to meet Him in His glory and bend our knees to confess He is our
(Art: Come Unto Me by Yongsung Kim)