Wednesday 11 October 2023



I recently watched a British Jewish woman explain to a show host the history of Israel and her Jewish heritage. The show host was of the opinion that the state of Israel was given to the Jews in 1948 to make up for the Holocaust. She explained that this was not so, that the Jews existed as a nation and possessed the land of Israel long before the time of Christ and that they lost that land due to various ruling powers that took them over and took it away from them. The only thing she omitted to explain is why in actuality the land was lost. We never learn….

Had the southern kingdom of Israel taken serious notice of the northern kingdom’s demise and captivity by the Assyrians in 724 B.C., they would never have been ousted and scattered from their homeland. Had the kingdom of Judah not abandoned the worship of Jehovah and turned to idolatry, the golden age of King David would have been preserved and they would never have lost the promised land. They would not now need Armageddon, which will come, to be converted to Christ who will come to save them, the Messiah they long ago awaited and 2,000 years ago rejected (Ezekiel 38, Zechariah 14, Revelation 16, Isaiah 34). What a  heart wrenching history for a favoured and chosen people of God.

I rejoice in my place in modern day Israel. I rejoice in my rich heritage grounded in the tribe of Ephraim, the son of the righteous Joseph, the heir of the Abrahamic covenant of exaltation. I rejoice in my knowledge of the Messiah. I rejoice that I was sent to this earth in this day and age when the knowledge of Him is flooding the earth. I am grateful that the believing blood of Israel courses through my veins. This blood I consider my greatest blessing because it was atoned for by the King of Glory and redeemed on the cross of Calvary. I look forward to the day when we, the covenant people, will gather from all the nations of the earth and come to Zion singing songs of everlasting joy (D&C 45:71).

Let us never forget who we worship and follow, so that we will not be removed from our place,  and let us do all we do in His name ‘giving thanks to God the Father by Him’, our God, our Saviour, our King……..(Colossians 3:17).

We, Israel, Thy chosen seed

Bow before Thee on bended knee.

Strengthen us in the hour of our need

That we might never stray again

And cause Thee sorrow;

And help us wait for Thee

In the dawning of tomorrow.


(Art by Midjourney and Greg Rutkowski)

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