Thursday 29 June 2023




A few years ago I had a revelation, the circumstances of which are too personal to relate, in which I was led to understand that the Father loves His firstborn Son the most because of what He has done for the rest of His children. And it should be so because no one deserves it more. Since then I have been mindful of scriptural evidences of their supernal relationship. I saw it most obviously this year as I have studied the New Testament. 


I could quote many scriptures I have discovered where the Saviour glorified the Father, how He fulfilled all the Father commanded Him, and how He submitted to Him in all things but that is for all of us to discover for ourselves. In all these scriptural references, the message is the same: ‘in every way and every circumstance, in every situation, in every instance, in mind, body, and will, I am like the Father. If you know Me, you will know the Father, the Father and I are one’ (John 17:11). When Philip asked the Saviour to ‘show’ them the Father, Jesus replied: “…..he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, show us the Father?” (John 14:8,9). Even in looks, The Saviour was like Him, in fact, He was in the express image of His Father and not His Jewish mother (Collosians 1:12-15; Hebrews 1:1-3). Since the Father is not of any nationality of this earth, Jesus did not resemble the other men of His locality and time. He was like His Father, in every sense.


I always hear how the Saviour atoned for us because He loved us. That is true, however, I very rarely, if ever, hear anyone say that Christ atoned for humanity because of His love for the Father. When in the Grand Council of heaven the Father asked who was willing to execute His Plan of Salvation and Satan came forward threatening His glory, it was Jesus who stepped up to the plate to defend Him, who said to the Father, not only ‘thy will be done’ but also ‘glory be thine forever’ (Moses 4:2). Christ’s greatest motivation for His sacrifice was to bring glory to the Father because with every saved and exalted child, the Father’s glory increases forever (Moses 1:39).


I counted one year 147 references to the Father that the Saviour made during His visit to the Americas (3 Nephi 11-28). This speaks volumes to me of their love. This tells me that the Saviour would do everything and anything, even descend into the bottomless pit of human suffering for the one He loved the most….and this He did, valiantly, selflessly, devotedly… honour His Father. He is a dutiful Son who does ‘ALWAYS those things that please Him’ (John 8:29). I long to be a dutiful daughter……. 


I wish to gift you my heart

Eternal Father of mine;

I wish to glorify Thy name

Through endless moments of time.

I wish to worship you each day that I greet,

I wish to honour you with each breath that I breathe.

Then one day soon when I kneel at your throne

And bring you my deeds from my earthly home;

Accept them with mercy,

Consider them bliss,

And greet me joyfully

With an holy kiss.


(Art: Jesus the Anointed by Greg Collins)

For further understanding of the Father and the Son relationship, I refer you to Elder Holland’s conference talk of October 2003 entitled “The Grandeur of God”.  

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