Wednesday 24 May 2023



When Jesus was questioned by the conniving Pharisees and Herodians if it is lawful to give tribute to Caesar, Jesus answered the question in two parts, one more significant than the other (Matthew 22:17-21). In summation, He asked for them to produce a coin and asked them whose image was on the coin that was accepted as legal currency by all the Jews. They answered it was Caesar’s. Jesus then replied since Caesar’s image was on the coin, the coin was his as was the Empire he ruled and therefore taxes needed to be paid to him in tribute. And then this: “…and unto God the things that are God’s (v 21). And what is God’s? We are.


If God created man in His own image, and imprinted that image upon him then it becomes obvious that every living soul belongs to God and the Universe that He rules. We are, as it were, of divine mintage….We are not our own. God the Father is our ruler and our sovereign, as Caesar was to the Roman Empire….but with a vast difference. Whereas Caesar conquered against will,  the Father of our souls employs tactics of salvation to make us His own forever. Whereas Caesar was motivated by power and control, the Father is motivated by love and a desire to give us His all. It should be our life’s work to return to Him to whom we rightly belong. This is our homage, this is our tribute to the King of Heaven. The way has been provided. The price for the journey has been paid.


I have no life but this,

To follow the path to Thy throne;

To be greeted with a holy kiss,

And know the reality of such bliss.



(For further understanding of Christ’s interchange with the Herodians regarding this question, see Jesus the Christ by James Talmage, p 544-7)


(ART: As One by Danny Hahlbohm)

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