Tuesday 30 May 2023




“We were created to have joy. It is our intended destiny as children of a loving Heavenly Father. He wants to share His joy with us…..joy typically means much more than passing moments of contentment or even feelings of happiness. Joy in this context is a godly attribute, found in its fulness when we return to dwell in the presence of God (Psalm 16:11). It is more profound, elevating, enduring, and life-changing than any pleasure of comfort this world can offer.” (Elder Craig C. Christensen, “There Can Be Nothing So Exquisite and Sweet as Was My Joy”, General Conference April 2023)


Imagine being elated with consistent feelings of joy throughout eternity. But this is the destiny and blessed state of the faithful. In this world of sorrow and ups and downs it is hard to imagine this state of being. Maintaining expectancy of the fulness of joy whilst ploughing through the tears of mortality can be achieved through something we often hear about in the Church and that is, eternal perspective. Eternal perspective is the path of trust and faith that motivates us to repentance, but the greatest motivator should be this: When the Saviour taught the Nephites, He told them that the FATHER rejoiced because of them….because none of them were lost (3 Nephi 27:30-31).


In this too, our beloved Saviour was the perfect example who ‘for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross’ (Hebrews 12:1-2). For whose joy did the Saviour endure the cross? For ours, for His, for the Father’s. It takes the eternal perspective to the new level, does it not? If He could give so much for the eternal joy of us all, should we not be able to give so little that is asked of us in comparison? With so many of His children on the path to destruction in the world today, should we, who have the truth, not strive to bring joy to our beloved Father in every way and every day? Should we not ensure that none of us are lost? 


I yearn to feel the closeness of 

Thy presence

And once again feel the warmth of 

Thy embrace.

I come to You, Father,

Through the gift of 

Thy Son’s benevolent grace.


(Art: Arms of Faith by Yongsung Kim)

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