Thursday, 2 February 2023




I live in Australia and there is a kangaroo living somewhere in my bushy community. Every once in a while I see him skipping across my backyard. I love this kangaroo because he has endeared me to the land I live in. You cannot get more Aussie than a kangaroo in your backyard.


I am in awe of Christ’s creative power when I look at animals and the land around me. Elder Bruce R. McConkie said ‘there is no finite way to envision the extent of the worlds created by Christ at the behest of the Father’ and that ‘this small planet was but one speck of dust in a storm swirling over the Sahara’ (The Promised Messiah, p 55). Moses was told by God: “…worlds without number have I created …..and by the Son I created them, which is my Only Begotten” (Moses 1:29-35). You would think that amidst such quantity, creation would become perfunctory and practicality would be the primary concern of the Creator but nothing could be further from the truth. Our God has taken every thought and care to ensure the success of our mortality. I am certain that His creative power did not extend to function only, that it involved creative intelligence with intent to gladden the eye and bring joy to one’s heart.  I rather fancy that He knew that a kangaroo skipping across my backyard would bring a smile to my face. 


I am certain that each particle of this earth was created with love, each particle that would become Australia, America, Africa, Bethlehem, Nazareth and CALVARY……



Let the magnitude of worlds

That roll upon their wings

And all the stars that sing

In endless praise of Thy name

Hear the echo of Thy exalted voice

And proclaim Thy eternal fame.


(Artist Unknown)

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