Tuesday 8 November 2022



Never before has Daniel’s life touched me to the core. As I finished my study of his life this year, I wept when I read of the Saviour’s appearance to him who greeted him thus: “O Daniel, a man greatly beloved” (Daniel 10:11). And not only Christ but also Michael who greeted him: “Oh man greatly beloved” (Daniel 10:19 and Gabriel who came to teach him and who told him: “I am come…for thou art greatly beloved” (Daniel 9:23).


When we talk of Daniel we almost always focus on his survival in the lions’ den. Daniel was only a youth when he was taken to Babylon in 605 B.C., during the first siege of Jerusalem.  He was trained there for service in the king’s court. Through his righteous influence he rose to the status of incredible power becoming an advisor to five kings and the governor of all the Jews in Babylonia’s exile. He was a prophet of God and a companion of kings. 


At the beginning of this year I read extensively about ancient Babylon and I was amazed at its grandeur and its corruption. I wondered how it was possible for a stalwart Israelite to live in such an environment and stay true to one’s faith. This is what Daniel taught me…..it is possible to survive Babylon…..and to even rise above it, if you have a connection with the God of Heaven. Consider just a few words of his worshipful prayer that testifies of this: “I thank thee, and praise thee, O thou God of my fathers, who hast given me wisdom and might……blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his….he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding……” (Daniel 2:20-23). Is it any wonder that the Saviour told him he was beloved; that He gave Him wisdom to interpret dreams; that He showed Him visions to the end of times; that He sent him angels to teach him? This connection with heaven was how Daniel survived Babylon the Great…..


We are living in spiritual Babylon today. We, members of Christ’s Church, are Israel, the royal priesthood, a peculiar treasure of the living God (1 Peter 2:9; Exodus 19:5). We are Israel, the chosen, not because of our superiority, but because of our willingness to believe in the Son of God. We are, therefore, harnessed with Him in the work of the redemptive power of salvation. We can survive Babylon and we can be of such righteous influence whilst in it that those around us will call us “servants of the living God”, even as King Darius called the beloved Daniel (6:20). And may we who center ourselves on Christ receive His approbation and hear Him say to us, even as He said to Daniel of old: “thou art greatly beloved”……



Your spirit bears me up

On wings of faith and

I stand as a witness of

Thy holy name.

I fear not the height

Nor the depth

As I sail dangerous seas

Never mindful of the waves

That in the end bring me to Thee.



(Art: God of Heaven and Earth by Annie Henrie Nader)

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