Thursday 1 September 2022



This is for all the rubies in Christ’s crown…."Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies"(Proverbs 31:10). This priceless question came from a woman followed by wisdom that King Lemuel’s mother taught him (v 1). Now here is something interesting about rubies: Even though they vary in colour, the most valued rubies are bright red....The Mogok Valley in Upper Burma  was for centuries the world's main source for rubies and has produced some of the finest rubies ever mined. However, in recent years very few good rubies have been found there…..…. just as a virtuous woman, as valued as a bright red ruby, is fast becoming a rare possession in today's world.  


The adversary is seeking to dull our inherent spiritual natures that we as women are born with by using the world and its ideals to weaken and eliminate our influence to the great detriment of our families and the society at large.  He does this by devaluing marriage and motherhood;  reinforcing the lie that a woman’s sexuality is what defines her worth; erasing of differences between the masculine and the feminine and even convincing us that we don’t know what a woman is. Women today  are encouraged to be more aggressive, tough and confrontational yet the Father made us gentle, kind, tender and loving.  Nurturing our spiritual selves and putting aside the values of the telestial world will ensure that we sharpen these attributes and become powerful enough to lift others to higher ground; this means our children, our spouses, our extended families, our friends, our co-workers, our communities.  When we know who we are and don't allow the world to confuse us, we are being single minded, in other words, we are being at one with God who made us.


The inherent spiritual qualities we are born with are closely related to the Saviour’s attributes because, as mothers, we are co-creators with Him in the plan of salvation. This is a divine advantage that we should acknowledge with immense gratitude. May we strive to be rubies in a world that so desperately needs us and with that striving bring to pass the Saviour’s promise: "….. they shall be mine in that day when I shall come to make up my jewels".

(D&C 101:3; Malachi 3:17)


I lift, I lift,

Above the world below.

I reach and find Your hand

To guide me where I am meant to go.

I trust, I surrender

I follow to the very end

Your purpose for me to know.




(Art: Living Water by Liz Lemon Swindle)

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