Friday 22 July 2022



I was filled with His majesty and my spirit soared as I read His words through the penmanship of Isaiah this morning. This, after a week littered with lowly moments.....a testimony of His power and His presence in my life was unmistakable as I read His testimony of Himself:

  • I am the Lord and there is none else, there is no God beside me (Isaiah 45:5)
  • I am the Lord and there is none else (v6)
  • I am the Lord; and there is none else (v18)
  • There is no God else beside me; a just God and a Saviour; there is none beside me (v21)
  • I am God and there is none else (v22)
  • I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me (46:9)

How can I tell you

What my mortal lips cannot say?

How can I show you

What my mortal heart cannot hold?

All that I feel

And all that I am

I owe to you.

I give you my all

Because a heart can give no more.

You have fed me from the banquet of your love;

Your arms have cradled me

in the eye of the heaviest storm;

You have led me to reach the heights of faith

to me unknown.

You are my Sovereign,

My wings of protection from the cold,

My eagle in flight

To pilot me home.


(ART: Come Unto Me by Yongsung Kim)

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