Thursday 28 July 2022




I was in tears watching the recorded live performance of Benedictus by 2CELLOS. It was as if the cellos were speaking to my soul under the magnificent skill of the two most talented musicians I have come across. I am amazed at the beauty which exists in our humanity despite all the evil acts we seem to be capable of. I am amazed at this life with the full spectrum of experiences and emotions that enrich us and lift us to higher ground amidst sorrow, pain and suffering.


I was perusing one of my old journals the other day and I came across a list I had written in 1996 entitled “The Simple Things That Make Me Happy”. Here are some of them: a new leather bound book; the shade of a tree; the smell of freshly cut rosemary; poetry; receiving a letter; reading in bed; a new pen; writing; a warm room in cold weather; libraries; beautiful stationery; wearing perfume. As I read this list I realised I have lost sight of what I enjoyed about mortality. Over the years I got lost in being too serious dealing with my trials and too zealous in striving to ‘rise above the world’. I wonder how many joys I have missed. I know that somehow I need to ignore the bad that is happening in the world and cultivate a more sincere gratitude for my mortal imperfect experience. One day my life here will become a distant memory and I don’t want it marred with regret.


I stand in awe of the God of creation. I marvel at the magnitude of this planet and the complexity of human body that could only come into existence through the hands of His power but I marvel more at His sacrifice at Calvary without which this creation would be in vain. I don’t know how He did it but I stand in awe that He did. I stand in awe and give glory to His name for all that I am and all that He has made of me in this life of diversity. 


May the memories of our sojourn here be sweet and may we ‘wish that life should not be cheap but sacred….the days to be as centuries, loaded, fragrant’ (Ralph Waldo Emerson).


I wish that I could silence

The murmurings of my heart;

I wish I could be joyful

Despite this temperamental life.

I wish I could be grateful for

Every fallen tear

And accept my trials

Without a trace of fear.

I want to remember the beauty

Surrendered by the withered rose

And never let it drift too far;

I want to take it with me

Past the grave

When I am called to cross the bar.


(Art: Consider the Lillies by Eva Koleva Timothy)

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