Wednesday 8 June 2022



When I study the scriptures I become enthralled by people enshrined in holy writ. I am amazed at their capabilities, their sufferings, their level of endurance, their skills at handling life, their talents and their very beings. What evokes my utmost admiration, however, are the people whose lives reflect their devotion to and love of God. My scriptures are littered with my pencilled hearts where passages of such evidence have touched me to the core. I am presently captivated by Joshua, the son of Nun, who led the host of Israel into the promised land. Like Moses before him, he constantly gave credit for ALL to Jehovah and never lost sight of the one true and living God. When I read of all he did, I feel that I know Joshua because his heart is laid bare on the pages of my scriptures. 


We are an amazing assortment of humanity. I marvel at our uniqueness, our creativity, our intelligence, our very essence and all that we are and are yet to become. I imagine if there were no mortal days of probation I might never have heard of Joshua, son of Nun, or a man called Abraham Lincoln in the vastness of the Universe or been moved by music written by Mozart or heard Renee Fleming sing Casta Diva. What an amazing gift it is to be a witness of someone's unique expression of self and of the mark they leave on this world. Most of us will not earn a page in the annals of history. Most of us will never become another Abraham Lincoln or Mozart or Helaman or Isaiah but all of us have it within us to excel as children of God and thereby become a shining beacon of righteousness.


Alma spoke of having the image of God in our countenance (Alma 5:14). Imagine our unique talents, gifts, capacities and personalities, our very soul, enhanced by an image of an exalted God. Imagine the beauty that would exude from us if we truly loved God and possessed the Saviour’s attributes. Moroni thought it was possible. He admonished us to pray for the pure love of Christ so that when He appears we shall be like Him and thereby know Him (Moroni 7:48). Imagine the hearts we could reach if they saw the Saviour in us. Imagine how many souls we could influence and bring home with us if we bore the image of Christ in our countenance. I long to bring my children and grandchildren to the foot of God’s throne. I imagine you are the same.


In the realms of heaven when your glorious destiny hung in the balance, the Saviour saw you and your worth and your potential. Besides His overriding desire to bring glory to the Father, this is what propelled Him to the cross. In the words of Dr. Seuss: "Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You". How truly magnificent are you!



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