Friday 17 June 2022



When ancient Israel so tragically rejected Jehovah as their king, the Saviour, out of His ever abiding long suffering and mercy, provided a goodly man of imposing stature: a potential hero, and man of valour that Israel sought for a king (1 Samuel 9:1,2). Saul was very impressive but Saul, as the very first king to Israel became a very poignant lesson that was unfortunately missed. And this is the lesson: even the very best among them could never measure up to the one and only true King of Israel. It took Saul just two years of reign to start sinking into a sense of self-importance and exaggerated opinion of his power (1 Samuel 13:1).


Despite the warnings of dangers of earthly kings (1 Samuel 8:11-19) and reiteration of rejection of Heavenly King (1 Samuel 10:18,19) Israel was given another chance to recognise who their true King was. When Samuel anointed Saul, he anointed him to be ‘the captain’ of God’s people, to deliver them from the hands of Philistines, and not a king (1 Samuel 9:16; 10:1). This reminder was missed too as Saul is later referred to as a king. The disorder, havoc and destruction of Israel’s spiritual state caused by Israel’s ensuing kings is devastating.


When the Saviour comes again, He will appear in all His power wearing a red garment signifying the winepress that He has trod alone (Isaiah 63:3; D&C 133:50) symbolising the Atonement, and He will come as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Revelation 19:15,16).  He will come to subdue all governments and assume His position as our rightful King. He will rule with righteousness and peace through the system of theocracy. And then every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that He is the Son of God, the ‘Redeemer and Deliverer from death and hell’ (Mosiah 27:31; D&C 88:104; 138:23). But we need not and SHOULD NOT wait until that day to confess the Christ. In the words of Neal A. Maxwell: “And if you sense that one day every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord, why not do so now? For in the coming of that collective confession, it will mean much less to kneel down when it is no longer possible to stand up!” (Neal A. Maxwell, “Why Not Now?”, Ensign April 1975)


When the Saviour comes, He will come to save, magnify and exalt all those who believe in Him and accept Him as the King of Kings. He alone is the true King, the only King, our King…


Thou art our everlasting God

Jehovah, our King,

Who has loved us and chosen us as Thine own;

We bow before Thee and bend the knee,

In solemnity we offer our hearts to Thee.

Keep us as the apple of Thine eye,

Hide us under the shadow of Thy wings

That we might never stray again

And cause Thee sorrow;

And help us wait for Thee

In the dawning of tomorrow. 



(Art: Second Coming of Christ  by Jon McNaughton)

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