Sunday 11 April 2021



Are you struggling with feelings of unworthiness, inadequacy, effects of abuse or struggle with unrelenting pull of weakness or sin? Do not despair, because for you, who are of the House of Israel and who love Him and want Him to be your God (1 Nephi 17:40), the Saviour’s grace and mercy is endless and ever possible. 


After the children of Israel settled into Canaan, they entered into a cycle of apostasy and repentance. When they served other gods, they fell into servitude to the heathen nations around them. Over and over they came to Jehovah to rescue them from their captivities and oppression and not to the altars of the heathen gods they worshipped. It says this for them, despite their state of weakness in apostasy, they believed that Jehovah was the true God and that only He had this power of deliverance. The astounding patience, tolerance and never ending mercy of the God of Israel was repeated over and over even though He knew the people would forsake Him and return to their sin after He delivered them. He did this because ‘his soul was grieved for the misery of Israel’….(Judges 10:16)


We are told The Atonement was performed for each person individually and not for God’s children collectively. I myself cannot fully comprehend that but I understand one thing. The Saviour is grieved for our misery and the healing effects of the Atonement are efficacious individually. These effects of the Atonement are already in your life, because they were put into place 2,000 years ago on the hill of Calvary. All that remains is for you to foster faith that it can heal you, empower you, and lift you out of our misery. Believe it, pray for it, and see it. He will come to those who believe He is the one true and living God who can sustain, empower and deliver. You have nothing to fear from the debilitating and crushing effects of mortality. You are meant for greater things. You are meant to be lifted and exalted. You are special. You are loved. You are counted on. You are the House of Israel. Be comforted and believe. 

- Cathryne Allen

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