Friday 12 February 2021



Those who read the scriptures will be very familiar with the expression of ‘the two-edged sword’. It is used as a metaphor for God’s word. To be precise, the Lord admonishes His people to give heed to His word, ‘which is quick and powerful, sharper than a two-edged sword’ as an opening to several chapters of the Doctrine & Covenants (6:2; 33:1; 14:2; 11:2).


For most of us in this day and age a sword is not within our frame of reference. Basically we can only relate to it by way of the movies we have seen. So what is a two-edged sword? Anciently, swords that were commonly used had only one edge. Obviously, someone with an acumen in warfare invented a two-edge sword which increased the effectiveness of the weapon. A two-edged sword could cut in any direction, no matter how the blow was struck. When you imagine the physical destruction such a sword can cause you can immediately understand what the Lord means when He says His word can ‘divide asunder both joints and marrow’. Bone marrow is crucial to physical life and I dare say, joints equally so. Thus we can assume that God’s word being like a two-edged sword, can bring about physical death. 


But there is more. Paul told the Hebrews that God’s word is ‘sharper than a two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit’ because it is a ‘discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart’ (Hebrews 4:12). All this means that God’s word has the power to destroy both physical and spiritual life of man. This will be most evident when He returns as John the Revelator saw that our of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword (Revelation 1:16) symbolising the destruction of the wicked. 


What I want to focus mostly on is this. Besides being a symbol of destruction, the scriptures say the Lord’s word is also quick and powerful. In the King James Version of the Bible, the word ‘quick’ does not mean swift but rather ‘living’ or ‘alive’, as in ‘quickened by the Spirit’, which means to be given spiritual life. Thus, the word of God is quick and powerful because it is a source of life, energy, and power. It is also a part of the armour of God which dispels darkness (Ephesians 6:17; D&C 27:18). Thus the word of God not only destroys but also gives life. It all depends on the heed we give to it. 


When the Saviour was tempted to eat bread during his 40 day fast, He dismissed the temptation by proclaiming that ‘man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God’ (Matthew 4:4)  Nephi and Alma spoke extensively about the word of God and what it can do for us (2 Nephi 32; Alma 32:28-43) and references to the eternal rewards are endless but I will tell you what it has done for me personally here and now.


From the time I was a teenager I used to suffer from periodical depression. At age 36 I became a serious student of the scriptures. Even as a single mother who was working full time, I would spend at least 1 hour a day studying the word of God. The time never seemed enough. Some months after I started, I noticed I was feeling incredibly good and I was no longer getting depressed. I was gaining spiritual life.  Every time I studied the scriptures I gained a portion of His Spirit, which healed my soul. I have not experienced depression for 25 years now. I am convinced that just as ‘the sword of His Spirit’ can destroy life, it can also destroy the maladies of both spirit and body and grant new life. When you consider that the Saviour created this world and gave us mortal life by the power of His word (John 1:1-4), this theory becomes a reality. It became mine.

- Cathryne Allen

(This post does not discredit medical attention deemed necessary by any individual for any physical or mental health issues)

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