Friday 18 April 2014


Next month we commemorate the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood which took place on 15 May 1829. The Aaronic Priesthood when originally given to the Israelites was the single most important act of mercy performed by the Saviour prior to his mortal ministry. Israelites having rejected the higher law after having declared on a number of occasions, "all the words which the Lord hath said will we do", placed themselves in a precarious position and possibility of never coming into God's presence. By bringing them to Mount Sinai God sought to bring them into his presence and there endow them through covenant to be his people. They instead fashioned for themselves a golden calf.  What an insult and injury to the Saviour's loving heart after he had done so much to make them free.  How easily He could have rejected them too and left them in the wilderness to perish.  Instead the Saviour acted out of his merciful nature and gave the Israelites the lesser law administered through the preparatory priesthood to give them another chance. Just prior to this act of love, He declared Himself to be a god of mercy: "The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth" (Exodus 34:6). To the children of Israel that priesthood kept them looking forward to the atonement of Christ through the ceremony of animal sacrifice. When the Aaronic priesthood was restored through Joseph Smith, it became the gateway to modern day Israel to prepare them for the higher covenants administered through the Melchizedek Priesthood which would bring them to exaltation.  Just as the ancient Israel looked forward to the Atonement of Jesus Christ through animal sacrifice, we look back on this event through the ordinance of the sacrament which is administered by the Aaronic Priesthood.

I have often heard in the Church people expressing their belief in Saviour's love for them. They also believe that it is this love that motivated the Atonement. The love is undeniable, the Atonement, however, was borne out of mercy. When studying the scriptures, it is impossible not to come to the conclusion that the Saviour's most prominent characteristic is one of mercy. Joseph Smith said that without proper knowledge of the character of God it is impossible for us to gain sufficient faith unto salvation.  In other words, we cannot hope to turn to the Saviour for the remission of sins we continue to make on our life journey if we do not know and understand his merciful nature that allows him to forgive.  Some years ago I started to be watchful of His characteristics and His numerous names in the scriptures, most particularly the Book of Mormon.  Whatever I learnt about Him I recorded in the margins.  Today as I flip through my Book of Mormon I notice that just about every page tells me that the Saviour is merciful.

I believe it was mercy that enabled Him to drink the bitter cup and suffer unimaginable pain knowing that He would do so for many who would reject Him, deny Him and even not deserve such a sacrifice.  It is mercy that enables the Saviour of the world to forgive us over and over again when we sin repeatedly and repent as often. I stand in awe of a God that is so powerful yet so tender hearted that He would allow himself to be nailed to a cross.  A god who has created worlds without number by the power of his word and has all his creations in the palm of his hand, yet willed himself to enter a garden that would be his crucible.  This is the god we worship, a god of love and infinite mercy, a god of unrivalled power.  Consider his power through the numerous names that have been attributed to Him in the scriptures:

Jesus Christ
The Lord
The Son of God
The Son of the Eternal Father
The Lamb
Almighty God
The God of Israel
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
The Lord of Hosts
The Holy One of Israel
The Redeemer of Israel
King Immanuel
The Eternal God
Holy One
The Saviour
The Mighty One of Jacob
The Mighty One of Israel
The Lord God
The Prince of Life
The Lord of Glory
Eternal King
Lord God Almighty
The Son of Righteousness
The Lord of Hosts
Alpha and Omega
The Great I Am
The Stone of Israel
Holy Messiah
The Great Mediator
Son Ahman
The Lord God of Hosts
The Father of Heaven and Earth
The Creator of All Things
The Mighty God
The Everlasting Father
The Prince of Peace

"And go quickly, and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead......
"And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy; and did run to bring his disciples word". (Matthew 8:7,8)

The Saviour descended below all things, including your sins.  Because of this He knows you and has compassion and mercy toward you.  Most importantly, He knows you from the beginning and He wants to see you to the end.  It is also because of your sins, that He ascended up on high (D&C 88:6) having finished his preparations unto the children of men (D&C 19:19).  Because of you and me he willingly entered the Garden of Gethsemane and carried his cross to Golgotha, his triumph,  leaving an empty tomb.  What excitement and fear would have come upon his disciples at this discovery.  Here again the Saviour's mercy came into play.  He wanted them to know they have not been forgotten and would not be left comfortless, His desire to have them know that He will be with them always.  And so He lingered teaching them that on the road to Emmaus expounding the scriptures 'beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself' (Luke 24:27).  No new doctrine, no new laws, just what the scriptures had said about Him, the message being loud and clear, not me in person, but my spirit you will have always through the testimony of my prophets.

"And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?"  (Luke 24:32)  May his mercy burn within our hearts this Easter and may we rejoice that He is risen.

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