Thursday 24 October 2013


President Joseph F. Smith, the 6th president of the Church, received an important revelation about the redemption of the dead 6 weeks before he died.  He saw in vision the Saviour's ministry in the spirit world where between the time of his crucifixion and resurrection 'he organised his forces and appointed messengers, clothed with power and authority, and commissioned them to go forth and carry the light of the gospel to them that were in darkness, even to all the spirits of men, and thus was the gospel preached to the dead'. (D&C 138:30)

Every prophet that stands at the head of the Church seems to have a certain task to perform during their ministry, a task that seems very suited to their capacities and talents.  They have all been instruments in God's hands in bringing something significant to the Church for the edification of the saints.  Perhaps none deserved to receive the revelation of the redemption of the dead more than President Joseph F. Smith. 

Joseph F. Smith was Hyrum Smith's son and was only 6 when his father and his uncle, Joseph Smith, were killed in Carthage jail.  He was 7 when his mother, Mary Fielding Smith and her family joined the exodus from Nauvoo and he became the teamster of one of her wagons.  He was 13 when his mother died, leaving him an orphan.  Before he turned 16, he left on a mission to the Hawaiian Islands.  Within three months after arriving in Honolulu, he spoke the native tongue fluently, a spiritual gift conferred upon him by Elders Parley P. Pratt and Orson Hyde of the Twelve, who set him apart.  This boy was not yet 16!  Consider what the 16 year olds in our day and age are doing at such a tender age.  When he was 21, Joseph F. Smith left for another mission, this time for three years in the British Isles.  When he was 28, President Brigham Young ordained him an Apostle. This was one of the special spirits chosen for the express purpose of building the kingdom here on earth. His story doesn't end here though.  This man was acquainted with the poignant pains of physical suffering and death.  Death seemed to be his trial in life as he not only lost his parents but buried a wife and 13 children.  In early 1918 President Smith was devastated by the death of his son Hyrum, then only 45 and serving as an Apostle.  Only a few months after that Hyrum's wife also passed away.  President Smith's health turned for the worse after that.  He was sick for 5 months during which time he studied  and contemplated the scriptures fervently.  The revelation of the redemption was the result and was received 6 weeks before he died.  It was added to the Pearl of Great Price in 1976 and in 1979 was transferred to the Doctrine and Covenants as section 138.

We are engaged in a great work.  Proxy work is being accomplished on both sides of the veil for the redemption of every soul who has ever lived.  On either side of the veil we are acting on behalf of the Saviour trying to save souls, whether we are preaching in the spirit world to those who are in darkness or whether we are doing their temple work here by proxy.  Either way we are Saviours on mount Zion. What an amazing privilege to be able to save a soul.  President Hinckley said as follows:

" I think that vicarious work for the dead more nearly approaches the vicarious sacrifice of the Saviour himself than any other work of which I know.  It is given with love, without hope of compensation, or repayment or anything of the kind.  What a glorious principle." ("Excerpts from Recent Addresses of President Gordon B. Hinckley", Ensign, Jan. 1998, 73)

Knowledge is pretty much worthless unless acted upon.  It can sit in our brains as nothing more than accumulated data.  I am starting to see my role in all this and where I need to improve.  My temple attendance is going to be heavily revised.  I want to be found there engaged in the work of salvation when the Saviour graces us with His presence again.  I know I was a part of this great work before I came here and I want to be engaged in it for the remainder of my days.

President Kimball said this of Temple work:

"The day is coming not too far ahead of us when all temples on this earth will be going day and night.  There will be shifts and people will be coming in the morning hours and in the night hours and in the day and night almost to exhaustion, because of the importance of the work and the great number of people who lie asleep in eternity..."(From You to Your Ancestors, Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 1978, p.2)


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