Tuesday 1 October 2013


If an announcement came telling you that the Saviour himself would speak at the next General Conference, would your attitude and preparation for the event change at all?  But of course, He will be there.  He has made this clear through this scripture:

"What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself; and though the heavens and the earth pass away, my word shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled, whether by my own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same." (D&C 1:38)  Not 'almost the same', or 'very similar' or 'very identical'.  It is the same. (Ted Gibbons, D&C Lesson 37)

So thinking back on last General Conference, we can ask ourselves, what did the Saviour ask me to do?  Can you remember what President Monson spoke about?  Did you get anything personally just for you from any talks that you heard?  Most important of all, did you implement it in your life?
What if an announcement came that in the next Ensign the lead article was to be written by the Lord himself?  How difficult would it be to convince you not to read it? (Ted Gibbons, D&C Lesson 37)
Do you remember what the First Presidency message was for last month? Is this the first article you read when you get your Ensign magazine?  Do you even get the Ensign magazine?  My daughter Christie reads the Ensign as part of her morning devotional, she says she digests it easier than the scriptures.  I've got to tell her, there is very little difference between the two.  Spiritual food is spiritual food.

Ted Gibbons, a Gospel Doctrine teacher from Arizona, gives a worth while suggestion regarding conference talks.  He says when the conference Ensign comes out each member of his family gets a copy and the following week family scripture reading gets put on hold while they discuss all the conference talks and make notes of the things they should be doing as a family and individually.  What an amazing idea!  After all, words of the living prophets are living scriptures.

In Ted's own words:
"It is not enough to talk about conference.  It is not enough to come to conference or to sit and listen to conference or to hear the words spoken in conference.  We must make application to our own lives.  We must be different because of the conference experience.  We must DO something".
(Ted Gibbons D&C Lesson 37)

Must finish.  I'm off to find the last conference Ensign! 

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