Thursday 28 December 2023



“And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man……and continued from grace to grace until he received a fulness.”   (Luke 2:52; D&C 93:13)

We know little about the boyhood of Jesus but what little we know is befitting of the God who condescended to be a mortal to save humanity. From a dependent babe in arms Jesus grew into a boy who was in all things subject unto his earthly parents even though He was in every way superior to them (Luke 2:51). It shows incredible meekness. And even though He was endowed with talents and spiritual capacities exceeding those of any other person, He participated in the normal activities and experiences of His time and was subject to the restrictions and testings of mortality (Hebrews 2:10-18; 4:15; 5:8-9; Bruce R. McConkie, Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, 1:111)

The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that as a boy, Jesus Christ possessed superior intelligence to all mortals: “When still a boy He had all the intelligence necessary to enable Him to rule and govern the kingdom of the Jews, and could reason with the wisest and most profound doctors of law and divinity, and make their theories and practice to appear like folly compared with the wisdom He possessed.” (in History of the Church, 6:608)

It is evident that by the age of 12 the Saviour knew who He was. When He was found in the temple teaching the doctors of the law who ‘were hearing Him and asking Him questions’ (JST Luke 2:46), He confirmed as much telling Joseph and Mary that He was about His ‘Father’s business’ (Luke 2:49). It is said Christ started His ministry at 30 years of age but to me He started at 12. A boy, yet a God, who at 12 proved, in the temple, the Father is with Him and that He will ‘do always those things that please him’ (John 8:29).


Did You see me Father

Giving glory to Thy name?

My words of Thee

Flowing from my tongue

Like a holy flame.


(Art: When Did He Know by Liz Lemon Swindle)

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