Wednesday 4 January 2023



Never before have I considered how emotionally and spiritually charged was the preparation for the Saviour’s birth that involved four people: Zacharias, Elizabeth, Mary and Joseph. I marvel at the sacrifices these four people made to ensure the success of Christ’s mission on earth. 


Consider Zacharias and Elizabeth, both descendants of the priestly line of Aaron, ‘both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless’ (Luke 1:2), well stricken in age, denied children, until the fateful day when Zacharias was performing his priestly duties in the temple. As he burnt incense at the holy altar to importune God to hear the prayers of the multitude outside who prayed for deliverance from oppression and sin, glorious Gabriel came and announced the birth of John who would pave the way for the promised Messiah (Luke 1:8-11). Now consider two elderly parents protecting the life of their long awaited son from Herod’s murderous edict, raising him in the desert  on locusts and honey (Matthew 3:4). Zacharias paid dearly for preserving this  child of promise, being slain between the temple and the altar as he performed his priestly duties (Matthew 23:35; Luke 11:51).  


Now consider Joseph and Mary, first cousins and both descendants of mighty King David. Mary, just 15 years of age, the most pure and fair of all God’s daughters, inexperienced in meeting the trials of life, under contract to marry, accepts a pregnancy that would shame her among her fellowmen, well aware that it would quality her for death penalty. Who would believe her strange tale that an angel came to her or that she carried in her womb the son of God? One person would….Elizabeth! She, being filled with the Holy Ghost would validate Gabriel’s visit and Mary’s sacred mission as the mother of the Son of God (Luke 1:42-45).


And Joseph? He who had grown up with Mary and knew the nobility of her character, how he must have suffered and struggled to accept that she was with child by some other man. But Joseph was of noble character too and he believed what he was told in a dream and accepted his role in the life of the promised Messiah. What an incredible man and protector of Christ child and a noble servant of God he was. 


How grateful I am to these four people who prepared the way for the Saviour to be born so He could atone for my sins. My heart aches at the thought of His difficult mortal life but rejoices in the glory that is His now and forever. 



Cathryne Allen

(ART by Liz Lemon Swindle)

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