Wednesday 14 December 2022



I had a vivid memory as I prayed today, of being in Father’s embrace, leaning against His ample chest and such love and longing for His presence enveloped me that I wept. After the prayer my mind was cast upon banished Cain who exclaimed: “….from Thy face shall I be hid….my punishment is greater than I can bear.” (Genesis 4:13,14). I came to understand that being banished from the Father’s presence for eternity would be a punishment greater than I too could possibly bear. And I imagine it will be the same for all of us in that day when we are brought to Him to be judged and we are re-acquainted with His presence (Helaman 14:16-18). We will want to stay with Him forever.


Those of us who will qualify for this eternal blessing will rejoice that there was someone who made this possible, a Saviour who will have the power to sanctify us so that we can live in Father’s presence forever. The qualification for this ultimate sanctification has to start here and now. The longing has to be so great that we will do anything we are asked, obey every law we are given, repent of any sin and weakness, and place everything we can of ourselves on the altar of sacrifice.


May we reflect this Christmas, upon the highest blessing the baby in the manger made possible two Millenia ago. May we connect to the real purpose of His coming: to bring us to Father, to save us from the jaws of hell, to exalt us on high above the stars of heaven. May we long for the Father and be lifted to fly to Him upon His Son's arms of faith....... 


I yearn to feel the closeness of Thy presence

And once again feel the warmth of Thy embrace.

I come to You, Father,

Through the gift of Thy Son's benevolent grace.




(Art: Arms of Faith by Youngsung Kim)

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