Monday 23 December 2019


 On the morrow come I into the world....

To give peace to the suffering
To give hope to the down-trodden
To strenghten the weak
To lighten your burdens
To lift the downtrodden
To give sight to the blind
To give power to the faint
To give might to the weary
To comfort those who mourn
To bind up the broken-hearted
To show mercy to the penitent
To give you living water
To free the captive
To be a refuge from the storm
And a shadow from the heat
To give you rest from sorrow and fear
To break the bands of bondage
To lift up the hands which hang down
To strengthen the feeble knees
To empower the powerless
To conquer the sting of death
To be a light unto the world
To love you 
To help you
To save you.

-Cathryne Allen

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