Monday 20 November 2017


"My ring finger and my middle finger were completely cut off when I was a baby. A nursery attendant rocked over them while I was crawling around. The top plastic surgeon in Louisiana put them in a jar and threw them away saying they could not be re-attached and I would never have fingers or finger nails but my parents got a hold of the word of God and refused to believe the professional medical opinion. Instead they chose to believe God's word: ".....all things are possible to him that believeth" (Mark 9:23). They consumed their lives with the word of God and would not allow negative, unbelieving people speak over their 'faith project' (me). Weeks later, when the doctor removed the bandages, I not only had fingers but finger nails! Whatever you're believing for, God specializes in doing what man says is impossible. Only believe! Every time I get a manicure I can't help but thank the Lord that my parents had the faith to believe God could heal and restore my fingers." - Terri Savelle Foy

Believe that He is and believe that He can. The brother of Jared moved mount Zerin (Ether 12:30). Are we any less than him? Can we not through our faith in the Holy One of Israel heal our sickness, calm our troubled minds or overcome our sins? Now more than ever we need to believe and seek an increase of faith. The time since His birth is getting longer but the time of His second coming is getting shorter. The 'Bridegroom cometh' (D&C 133:10) not tomorrow but today. Only believe.

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